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Do you have any REAL friends that you met online?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: thewhizzer.blogspot.com

Do you have any real life friends that you originally met online?

#Internet friends
#Real life friends
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I actually do have -one is a local lady, and I have about 3 friends in the United States that I visited several times -all females.

I also have several friends though they are not REAL LIFE friends in that I have not met them in person.

All are female!
by Finy
Aaaah!!! Yes indeed!!! I have a very close friend who I met in 2008 when buying antique children's books on the other side of Australia to where I live,as well as a couple more not quite so close ones on the same side of Oz as me. I have 4 in UK and 2 in USA ,nearly all met when buying these same types of book,though one,a male,I have bought stunning art glass from on many occasions and we always are in touch.If he was not gay,I would propose to him!!!! ha ha ha ha!!!!!! I became extremely close to another man in UK and he and his wife were forever swapping anecdotes and photos of their beloved adopted granddaughter. Unfortunately he passed away from a sudden inoperable brain tumor .nearly 18 months back and I sobbed my heart out.His wife sent me the most gorgeous handwritten letter of thanks for my friendship as she does not use computers at all.They had been together since they were 15 and still at school,so a whole lifetime really,of 50+ ears. Unfortunately they could not have children and so they brought and adopted their niece and their nephew. These are all very REAL friends to me despite never having actually met in person. My life has been enriched daily by knowing them and I feel closer to them than I do to many people I actually do know in person. I would never have believed that this could have been possible,but I am so grateful for each and every one of these exceptional people sharing their lives with me. And Frank,my friend,I still miss you so enormously.....
No, they have come and gone!!! (the gender is obvious)
by fran
Yes I do.
I sure do!
Yes, though we are not as close I would like to be. :)
by Vee
Actually ALL my current IRL friends were met online! I think it's fabulous that I met so many people through the internet that I could have spent my whole life not knowing otherwise! That's especially true of friends who live overseas, even though I've never met them IRL.
No I have never met friends online
by AJ
I don't have any real friends that I've met as a result of any of my online activities.
Yes. I have quite a few friends I've met on line and have gone on to spend time with in real life. I also consider my online friends to be "real" friends - they are amazing women!
No, i've never met anyone on line, except of cause these people who answer these questions on AA!!!
I guess they are sort of like my friends now!
by Miro
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