Do you have any old friends you wish you could meet up with again?
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Do you have any old friends you wish you could meet up with again?
Perhaps someone you have not seen for a long time?
#Old friends
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Yes, I have a few school friends that I have lost contact with and would love to meet again, however I do not know their married names.
Also one adult friend I have not seen for a few years.
Yes, I have a friend who lives in Cairns. Saw her earlier this year but that was the first time in many years. Wish we lived closer, her son is my godson and he's about to become a Dad. Would be nice to be a part of the excitement a new baby brings!
Not sure if I do want to see them again?
I have changed and well....maybe they have too.
I think I will just keep going forward,hasn't done me any harm so far.
Leave the past where it is :)
Yes I do have many school friends, I would like to meet.
Living in Africa from age 3-15 I sometimes think it would be nice to see old school buddies...I am in touch over the internet with a couple...having recontacted after many years....otherwise no, I am a very 'here and now' person and try to keep moving forward not looking back too much. (good advice from my dear departed Mum)
Yes, I always wanted to meet and catch up with my school friends and I did only recently! After 43 years! Thanks to Facebook! I was able to trace two friends and through them we connected with more and now we are a group of 10 so far! In January I went back to India and we had our wonderful reunion - it was the best experience! Now we are in touch everyday on Whatsapp! It's amazing how well we connect even though such a long time has elapsed. I have also caught up with another dear friend from school and hope to meet her soon too!
Yes, one in particular who I keep in touch with on Facebook but haven't managed to see in person for a long time. Wish we lived close enough for regular coffee dates.
Yes, one in particular who I keep in touch with on Facebook but haven't managed to see in person for a long time. Wish we lived close enough for regular coffee dates.
Yes there is a lot of people I wish I could see again - that's one of the negatives to immigrating
This may sound terrible,but NO!! I do not think that I would have anything much in common with any of the people I considered as friends a long time ago! The friends I have now,are very dear to me indeed,and funnily enough,I feel closer to the friends I have made via the internet than many of the people I have actually had as friends in reality!!!I have to admit that I do enjoy my own company and do not need lots of people in my back pocket! I truly love my dogs more than many people!!! I think that I have moved along life's journey in my own way,opening new doors as old ones close.And I am very content with who I have in my life at this point. I've never been one to want to go BACK....
The way for me is definitely FORWARD!!
I hope this does not sound terrible,but NO!! I do not wish to re-unite with people who were my friends in the past.We'd still be in touch if the friendship was worthy of the title!! My path along Life's Journey has taken me down other,personally more important roads which I feel may seem a burden to many people. For me,this would be like going BACKWARD ,and I rather move FORWARD with my life. I must admit that the friends I have made online,are more genuinely what I consider friends to be,than many people I actually have met in person. Also, I do like my own company,and that of my beloved dogs who are such adorable friends through thick and thin. If the people who I considered to be friends in the past,really were friends,then I would not have to meet up with them again;they would still be a major part of my life! And vice versa,I would still be part of THEIR lives too! Onward and ever Forward,eh?!!!!
Yes, there are a few of them.
Yes, and facebook is an excellent way to find them!
My friends are spread out around the globe. So I just keep in touch with the ones I want online.
No - if I like someone, then I'll keep in touch with them.
I have one friend from school who I tuned up at my mums funeral and I have never been able to find her in spite of trying facebook, linked in and even her employer. She was my best friend in Year 7 and when we had children our daughters were very good friends for a few years. I'll keep trying.
I found her through a Facebook friend and have visited. Yeah! She'd changed her name.
Yes a few girls from my teenage years but you can’t find them as they change their names at marriage and can’t be found easily.
Yes plenty. It's a shame when you lose contact with people.
Yes I would like to make contact with some school friends of long ago, only trouble is what is their married names
Have lost a few older longtime friends' in last few years. I miss them terribly. Still have quite a few friends same age as me, so that's good, & we all meet regularly, which is even better.
i have not see my girlfreind in 30 year.sure would like to see her.
When I am in my 60s.and am only interested in reminiscing on the good old days. God had a reason for separating me from some friends and I think I am better for it.
Yes as I cherish friendships and my closest friends
Sadly most are in the UK and Europe and wish I had the money to go and visit them.
I grew up in Pennsylvania until I was about nine and moved to Wisconsin. My best friend was Brenda and we have chatted a bit on Facebook. I am taking a trip to visit her this Spring. We are both so excited.
Polly, I don't know when this question was put on here,so have you been over to meet up with your friend yet?
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