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Do you have any novelty salt and pepper shakers?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Hugging Blue and White Salt and Pepper Shakers (Image by ParentingPatch- Own work - via Wikimedia Commons)
Image by ParentingPatch- Own work - via Wikimedia Commons)

It would be hard to imagine just how many novelty salt and pepper shakers have been made the world over.

Do you have any? Perhaps a favourite or even a collection?

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I love novelty salt and pepper shakers especially pottery and ceramic. On the other hand my husband loves those tall, shiny fire engine red Rusell Hobbs ones that run on batteries and light up when you used them .....sheesh.
Gail -=you wrote this one for me -thank you!
It is my biggest collection of all things I collect and have been for many years now.

I have old, rare ones that are worth $300 each nowadays and have about 4 cabinets full, having got rid of almost half my collection when I moved from the country.
by Finy
My apologies -spellt your name wrong Gayle!
by Finy
That's awesome Finy. Great collection.
For you, Finy. https://www.google.com.au/shopping/product/13767492592097290290?q=novelty+salt+and+pepper+shakers&safe=strict&biw=1212&bih=620&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX8x6wLrt6xhGJDEjQyYNs8sPS7ATGi9gv5F0YNBu_BWv_3boNErL25S9hrvb1AQzzi-4tXxuUTrGlujx2AlPgJS5mTw7bzRyxSUboYjsp86TgDsP-xIZAFPVH73CAnr1kmUNn8nevL6S1ljXnV_USA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5oJvitu_KAhUD02MKHZNgA2MQ8wIIlwIwBQ
by Vee
no but would love to

No but these are very cute.
by Gia
No, doesn't interest me! I ACTUALY just se the containers the P&S come in!

BUT, I do have a set of 'grinders' for my son to use, when he visits for a meal. He's a Chef!
I'm not sure I own any at all since we don't usually have salt and pepper on the table. There's probably a set in a cupboard somewhere but they wouldn't be novelty ones.
I have a pair of frogs which have never been used as salt and pepper shakers partly because I prefer freshly ground from a mill but partly because they are so cute that they are kept purely for ornament.
Yes but only for at Christmas time - however I think I could see myself with owl shaped shakers in the future! "hoot!"
No, but I have a family member that loves and collects novelty salt and pepper shakers, so I have bought many sets as gifts for them.
I found a set of small duck shakers last year in a hard rubbish pile of crockery.
I have a couple of pairs of owl salt and pepper shakers. I don't use them these days as we like grinders.
I have a couple of sets I use for special occasions as I prefer to grind my salt and pepper. My favourites would be santa which draws a lot of comment.
No, but there are so many cute ones out there. Really would like a nice set.
by Vee
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