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Do you have any nicknames -what are they?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have any nicknames on the computer?

#Computer names
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I have several-petal, Finy to name a few!
I had petal before the Internet and Finy after.
by Finy
Not now really...as a child my family called me 'Bubs' until at 15 it became embarrassing for me and they stopped thankgoodness!
by Fran
The kids went through a stage where they thought it was funny to call me "Muzz". Can't say I was too excited about it, but thankfully we've passed that phase!
Oh, and a friend of mine refers to me as "Luvvy", which I would normally hate but coming from her I quite like it!
Yes I do on the computer....but not keen to share them.

In real life , only one now which is ''VoVo'' meaning grandmother in Portuguese.(we have also Portuguese roots).
I could not stand to be called all the other names, for grandmother.

Been using this one now 7 yrs loving it :)
Not these days.
Yes I do have.. Rads..
I have had lots of nicknames over the years
by AJ
The one which has stuck for the longest in Adulthood is Possum.When I started my Trade,I was the only girl,and very young and shy. One day,I was nibbling an apple at lunch,and one of the guys said I was like a little Possum. From that time on,and till I was almost 30,I was called Possum,by almost everyone!!
My parents,when I was little called me Poppet,and Pet.My dad still calls me Pet to this day!!! The other one is very ovbious: Jules,or Jewel.

Tubby - just because I shared initials with Tubby Taylor (cricketer apparently).
Family members don't call me by name - its a cultural thing . Since I am the youngest in the family most call me 'Chuti" which means 'very small or 'nangi' which means 'little sister'. My friends call me Sharmz, at Uni I was called 'beauty'. So, yes, I do have couple of nicknames.
In a former life at work, 'Bowser' was my nickname by several colleagues'. Was shortened to 'Bows' on occasions. Where it came from I cannot now remember! But would've been a comedic situation! I liked it, but when I left that job after many years, never got another nickname!
Funnily enough, my Private Room, post my first baby's birth was in same room as one of my former colleague's wife who had had Triplets a couple of days' b4! He still called me 'Bows'!
i used to call everyone bob well until my boss complained to me about being called bob.

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