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Do you have any grey hair yet?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you got any grey hair yet?

#Grey hair
#Gray hairs
#Middle age
#Hair colour
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Even though I was originally blonde, I now have some grey hair.

As I have tips put into my hair, they actually look quite good mixed in with the blonde tips, red tips, my natural no colour, and a bit of grey they look like they have been "tipped".

Would love to be all white with really short hair as like that look and could do a lot with it.
by Finy
I don't have any greys as yet but when it comes I'll accept it as a natural part of life.
I started to get a few grey hairs in my early 30's.But then after several operations and the last being removal of a brain tumor,I went decidedly Translucent!! I treally did not mind at all,as after the op I kept my hair very short for a long while and I am fortunate that my hair went this lovely silvery colour in a very nice way.In fact I was often asked who my hairdresser was and how did she get such a pretty effect!!! This always made me smile.

No matter what,though,I shall never be as cute as the darling in this photo of yours!!!
I have a couple of stray greys.
by Vee
stray hairs! hmmm, call in the rspca
by Finy
LOL! When I get greys, I'd like to keep them. I like the idea of having long grey hair. One of my lecturers at uni had the most beautiful silver hair I've ever seen.
by Vee
My hair has been white for quite a number of years - must be all the stress! I used to colour it every few weeks and kid myself that no-one knew, but eventually I gave it up for the sake of my hair health and my wallet. Once I began to grow it out I realized just how white it was - and it looked great! My hair is now much healthier and I get compliments about it all the time.
Masses of it! When I lost my son I was 30, and since then I've been sprouting more and more. I'm not actually phased by it. I figure ageing had to happen sooner or later, it just started sooner in my case lol
I find strands every so often. It's scary!
I would be extremely grey but have blonded my hair for years after first dying it the dark brown reddish colour it was for awhile...
by fran
about 70%.
Nothing my hairdresser can't Fix! :)
by AJ
Nope - no grey hair!!
by AJ
I'm only 24 - so no I don't!
I have a few hairs that aren't the some colour as the others - I call them silver and I value the precious metals I carry!
Yes have some grey and and waiting to see how it looks naturally now after dying for most of my life, which I am now letting grow/cut out. It is short and asymmetrical and hasn't been dyed since april. Lots of people say the like my colour???? There is NOTHING wrong with grey hair, even young people can have it. I think a good haircut/style with grey or white hair can look fabulous. I too have to watch the wallet now so that was a deciding factor initially.
Found my first grey hair at about 25 - not a nice surprise. Now I get my hair coloured to cover the grey.
My hair is a real mix - it has grey, brown, blondish and silvery strands in it. I have been asked who does the colour. It is all perfectly natural though, I guess I'm lucky at 70 to still have some brown in my hair. Haven't gone completely grey yet!
I've reached 70 now! So I do have some grey hair! My husband is 72, & he didn't go grey until this year, just little tiffs of it, around the sides of his hair! He used to be the only male on the cruises with BLACK (un dyed) hair! It's now not as thick as it was either. (Nor is more!) But at least he doesn't have any bald patches, as yet.
by Miro
I just reread my reply. I think 'Nor is more' should have been, Nor is mine! (As thick as it used to me.)
by Miro
Yes, and I'm 29 years old.
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