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Do you have any friends that live far away from you/in another country?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have any friends living in another country from you?

#Overseas friends
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My daughter died in England 24 years ago and a frienbd of hers contacted me last week -she had been looking for me since she died! I do not have the same surname as my children so she was looking for the wrong name.
We have already become friends and speak on the phone even though she is much younger than I am.

I also have a good friend in England, in Worthing and several in America that I met online through collecting, but several of whom I have stayed with on several occasions.

Also one friend in Europe.
I am not counting friends I have not met who I consider "friends online".
by Finy
I have goosebumps thinking of this 'reunion' with your beloved daughter's friend who has tried for so long to find and contact you! THIS sort of thing is one of the real blessings of living in the Internet age! I am so extremely and GENUINELY thrilled for you!
by Jules
thank you Jules -you are sweet!
by Finy
Yes, quite a few, scattered all over. I miss them, but we try to keep in touch.
My mum has a cousin who lives in Canada, and we see her occasionally when she travels back to the UK, but other than that we have no long distant friends or relatives.
In another country? No. In another state, yes.
by Vee
I do.
Family also, and it's hard but just have to keep in contact the best way possible.
England & America.
I've a long time internet friend of many years and he and his wife are planning to visit next year. We keep in touch via email and I always phone him about twice/year as it's cheaper for me to phone than for him to phone me. We have used webcam but when they sort out how to use their new tablet we will probably skype.
All of my family,including my son who headed south about 8 years back,live in Victoria while I am here in the warmer tropics of Nth Qld!I came here for my health 35 years ago and love it here apart from missing my family members so much.
Though I have made truly wonderful friends here, since I had to stop work and discovered the joys of the internet,I have now got extremely good friends who I have met on line when purchasing treasures for my collection! Being like minded folk who enjoy the same interests as myself and also having a deep love for dogs just as I do,these folk and the friendships we have formed have been a real gift in my life. We have stayed in touch ever since first discovering our shared loves,and we are on touch on a daily to weekly basis! I've always felt that friends are our very own CHOSEN extended family,and thus these wonderful people have a very large and important role in my life!!
I have family living overseas in the UK. Apart from that, all my friends live here in Australia. I have lots of penfriends that live overseas, but I have never met most of them.
We have some Canadian frainds, we met on a 34 night cruise around Australia. Luckily for us, they have a married daughter, (before she came here) who lives in Australia, with her husband & 2 year old son. She loves surfing so much, she won't return to Canada, so her parents come out here to Sydney, NSW twice a year, so we always meet at the same hotel for 1 lunch & a long walk & talk afterwards! It's always lovely to see them again.
by Miro
Yep. All over the world, but O I'm not great at staying in contact
it is part of the sad thing when moving to the other side of the world.
I write and keep in touch even after 43 years, such is my feelings for good friends.
Yes I have and I miss her very much..
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