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Do you have any body modifications?

by thriftyfrugalfun (follow)
Thrifty is a mum of 3 who is passionate about living a happy, simple and frugal life. You can read her blog at: thriftyfrugalfun.blogspot.com.
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Photo: Suicide Girls- Wikimedia Commons

Types of body modification include tattoos, piercings, implants ear stretching and branding.

Do you have any? And what are your views on these alternative forms of self expression?

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I have 3 tattoos - one on my wrist, one on my ankle, and one (that I won't mention :) ) and a Monroe piercing, along with 3 ear piercings (only 1 of which I'm currently using).

I think that everyone is entitled to their own freedom of expression, no matter how they choose to do it. As long as they don't shove it down people's faces.
I had to google monro piercing…
by brigi
I only have the ones that happen with aging and the impacts of gravity!
No not into all that stuff, I want to be different.I never ever followed trends.
Yes. I have a tattoo and a piercing. Neither are visible unless I want them to be. They're just for me. I'd love another tattoo but it's a matter of finding the time and the money.

I like tattoos and piercings. Some are done more or less skillfully than others and some aren't to my personal taste, but that's up to the wearer (not sure if that's the right word. Maybe, collector?). I do think it's a good thing that there's a legal age for tattoos, since it's not something you should rush into and they need to be properly cared for after they're done.
I don't have any modifications. Unless you count some minor non-cosmetic surgery and some football battle scars ;)
I have seven tattoos, a labret piercing and both of my ears stretched to 10mm. I have also had my nose, tongue and lip pierced but I took these these out. Personally, I enjoy the process of modifying my body. I see the piercings as just like trying out a new hair color or clothing, it is reversible. Tattoos, not so much however I don't have any regrets about any of mine and would love to get more.
I have three tattoos. My first was an Anhk on my lower back and represents Divine Love and connection to Divinity. The second was a butterfly in ivy on my lower tummy - this represents transformation and is a totem in my life. I feel that I go through many transformative cycles as the butterfly teaches us. My third tattoo is one my left shoulder/upper back. It is a humming bird and cherry blossoms. I love this one as I drew it myself and took it to the artist to have it done. The humming bird is deeply symbolic for me as it represents the purity of love, joy and how easily we can frighten away beauty if we do not take time to see the delicacy of it. The cherry blossoms represent the feminine spirit and my ability to embrace that in myself.
I know that tattoos are not for everyone and I used to consider it to be a defacing of a person's body before I came to realise the deep sacredness of such a ritual can have for an individual. I'm not saying that every person who gets a tattoo comes at it from this perspective, but I certainly did.
The pain was a way of moving through a cycle and learning about my ability to tolerate such changes. Every time I see my tattoos, I am reminded of the sacred in the world and inside me.
Personally, I don't care for the ear implants and stretchers. I think it's personal choice what people do and it is my hope that they go into the experience doing their best to project forward and risk manage any of the potential fallout.
I have had my nose pierced a long time ago. I loved it at the time, but then it got infected (yes, ha ha - I know) and my dog bumped my nose which made me bleed and I almost passed out from the blood. After that experience, I realised that I wasn't that into nose piercing and let it go.
I think we all have to live and learn and then move on from our choices putting our new found wisdom into application.
My ears are pierced twice, but no other modifications. I would like to get a nip/tuck though after becoming a mom.
I had cosmetic surgery to take excess skin from under my arms 16 years ago. I felt like a million dollars as I could wear any type of top and feel normal. Unfortunately, I gain all the weight back after children and ruined the beautiful arms. They are back to the way they are. I would never do it again as I may have fixed the arms....but never fixed the underlying problem of over-eating. I also had a friend who had a boob job - and since had them removed as they were found to be toxic, and she also had a nose job at the same time as she had a large nose, and now I hear her "whistling" through her nose all the time. It's really annoying for her as when she takes a deep breath through her nose it whistles. So.....in my experience, these modifications have not been successful. But I so know people who's lives have been greatly enhanced through modifying something that they didn't like. I say just be prepared for either outcome.
I don't mind alternative forms of expression, unless they are extreme. But then again, everybody is entitled to look the way they please. I have only my ears pierced, but have recently thought about piercing my nose. Am still undecided about that one though.
by Vee
No I dont have any body modification.

I personally do not like them, however it is up to the individual if they have them and I would not think less of a person because they have most of these.

The only ones I really HATE are the ring through either nose (looks like a cow!) or through the tongue.
by Finy
I had my ears pierced years ago, but only one hole in each ear. Other than that, I have decided to be an individual and not have any tattoos. I think they are disfiguring and look ridiculous on older people, especially when your skin changes and you can hardly make out what the tattoo is. I would like to go into business removing tattoos in the future - I think I would make millions of dollars!
Yes, Caesarean scars! Plus blood transfusion scars, as I was a premmie baby!

Definitely none of 'traditional' mods., as not interested in any way, plus IMO, they look gross!
Have decided I will leave my monstrous nose the way it is...a piercing won't make it look any smaller! LOL.
by Vee
The only moody modification I have is putting my bra on and taking my bra off. Used to wear a "step-in" when I was younger (now known as body shapers). That's it.
Oops! Not moody modification - I meant Body modification. But I could do with a moody modification now that I think of it.
As far as modifications go, I've only had my ears pierced once, but when I was about 13 years old I had my nose re-shaped and I'm glad I did, I was very self concious of it!
I was a Goth many years ago and had 12 ear piercings, but now as an adult I only have 4. I have never had facial piercings as they weren't a big thing back then. I also have 2 tattoos which aren't visible.
My boys also turned out to be quite alternative, both have stretched ear piercings which I hate, and one is full on into tattoos. Whenever they get something new done and I complain they always say; 'Mum you can't talk as you were a Goth!' Sadly very true!
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