I would rather stay in bed on a cold morning but would quickly get bored with just lying there when I have more interesting things to do if I get up.
I don't like getting out of my snuggly, warm bed, but I do so at around the same time every morning as it takes me so long anyway in the mornings as I walk my dogs after a cup of tea and checking of computer.
So while I find it easier to get up in summer, I still get up at similar times in winter. I DO hate getting up when it is dark however.
Oh yes. Which is a bit of a b*gger as I am about to move (yes, at last) somewhere colder. However, I will be near my daughter and the house has heating and lots of lovely sunny windows and is off the ground about three feet . . . all things which will help me a lot. Sadly, not acreage, but the trade-off is worth it.
moving somewhere colder -yeeeks, Rice!! But if the house is built high, it is still tropical?
Still Qld, Finy, just up on the Downs, not in Brisbane. I miss my daughter too much :(
Yes I certainly do find it hard to get out of bed on cold mornings,once I'm out it's not too bad,but also getting out of a hot shower it's just so hard I keep saying another 5 mins.
I get up at 6 or a tad earlier EVERY morning,no matter what the temperature is!!! It is as though I have an in-built clock which tells me the day is ready to be enjoyed! I live with debilitating and constant pain,so getting up,for me, is a sign that I am not doing any worse that the previous day!!! I have always had the attitude that every day I wake and can get up,is a jolly good one;and so,though I may not BOUNCE out of my warm bed, I do manage to get up and begin the day with a smile ,as I am greeted by my beloved dogs!!! I have never enjoyed 'lying in', and breakfast in bed has also never been something I particularly enjoyed,as I really hate crumbs in my sleeping spot!!!! Give me a lovely sunny spot on my veranda with that first cup of tea,and a view into my garden,and I am the happiest person on the planet!!! I find the early hours are the most peaceful and relaxing part of any day,and I could never waste such blissful moments by staying in my bed!
It wouldn't be very sunny on your verandah at 6am. Here it is still pitch black so wouldn't like to be outside then
By the time I have washed my face and made my tea,etc...The sun is coming over the fence line. In another few weeks I shall be complaining of the heat here in North Qld!!!!! We have had no really cold mornings to speak of at all this winter,though for a couple of hours,on just a few days,it did get down to a fairly chilly(for us!!!) 11 and 13 degrees for that hour around dawn!!! It has usually hit 19 or 20 by 8 a.m. and the late mornings to mid afternoons,have actually been quite hot,and well into the mid to high 20's this year! The poor mango trees are so confused! There have been ripe fruit on the tree next door which overhangs my side fence! I did come here from Melbourne to escape the cold, and I just love living here! This morning when I got up it had dropped to 18.9! The temp all through the night/small hours was no lower than 19,and mostly into the low 20's!!! This is almost the same as our summer temps!!!
Oh Rice!!! You are so funny...especially as you are now moving to another cold part of this fabulous sunshine state!! It is 25 here and only 9.30 a.m.!!!! I knew that when I arrived here in July from Melbourne 36 years ago,that I would stay here.Cold and I have never been friend of any sort!!!!!
I don't have a problem getting up but my cat does🐺. She loves slipping right under the covers and I'm usually up during the early hours and again anywhere between 5 and 6.30 a.m. to let her out for around 15-30 minutes then she comes back onto her blanket or if really cold, under the sheet snuggled against me.
Only for about 5 seconds! I walk at 8am most mornings, if my friend is also walking. Is she not walking, I'll stay in bed on my laptop, for hours. I'll also get up to make my breakfast & bring it back to bed, followed my coffee & toast!