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Do you have a problem deciding what to cook each night, and when do you decide what to cook for that evening?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have a problem deciding what to cook each night?

When and how do you actually decide?

#Cooking dinner
#Making dinner
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Yes I do have a problem deciding, so I usually work it out once a week as I only do a supermarket order once a week and prefer not to have to shop in between.

I do have a problem deciding however, being on my own, if I decide not to cook, like tonight, I will get take away or have eggs on toast.

Sometimes I just cannot decide so I always have frozen home cooked meals in the freezer that I can defrost and cook.
by Finy
Usually we cook our meals in advance and in bulk. For example, we might make several cottage pies during the afternoon, along with stew, soup, etc. Some of those will go in the fridge to be reheated at dinner time, and the rest will go in the freezer or another date.
I quite spontaneous but most of the time my diet at home is boring..I HAVE to have my vegies most nights have become paranoid about it...with some protein of course
by Fran
I always struggle with what to make for dinner - it's hard to try and think of new ideas.
by AJ
Agreed. It's hard to avoid settling on familiar favourites.
by Vee
Yes I do have problems 'what's for Tea' of a night!
My son on the other hand....will eat what I make, and he's fine.

I say''what do you feel like dinner tonight''
He says''what ever you want''?
I then say'' well give me a idea what you may feel like''.
He's say's ''I will like whatever you decide to make''.

I know why men do that stuff too!...so they don't have to think?@!#*?

So I just make what is in the fridge, and he's fine.
Me on the other hand, well lets just say I get fed up of doing all the cooking, and choosing. :(
Living on my own,I am very easy to please.I usually make what I feel like at the time,however sometimes I will do a delicious slow-cooked pot and then freeze what I do not eat for another night! Then on many occssions I am very happy to just have fresh,luscious fruit and cheese for my evening meal. I must admit that I prefer my main meal of the day to be at lunch time,just as they do it in hospital. I have unfortunately had many stays in hospital and the really positive thing I came away with is the way they serve the meals for the best metabolic use of the food eaten. The main meal was/is always at Lunch Time.I have eaten this same sensible way for most of my adult life,as I do prefer it.Obviously if I know I am going to be going out for my evening meal,I will have a small lunch! And then there are days when I do not feel like eating anything at all in the evening,I just 'go with the flow',and follow what my body tells me it needs.....
I think deciding on what to cook is the hard part of making dinner. I usually go off what I feel like at the time. If that doesn't help, I go through my recipes and/or Recipe Yum.
by Vee
Recipe yum is a great source of dinner inspiration for me!
by Lucy
I play it by ear. Make it up on the spot. And sometimes it even works out!
That's how I do it too.
by annfi
Generally I meal for the week. I sit down on a Sunday and I write out dinners for the week. If I'm feeling particularly motivated I'll include breakfasts and lunches! If I'm feeling particularly unmotivated I'll make my partner do it. Then I write out the shopping list and do the groceries on Monday. If we get to a particular night and decide we don't want what's on the list or something comes up and we don't have time / energy to make it I'll just do up some pasta with tuna or we'll get take away.
Yes especially when it is hot and humid and not feeling particularly hungry.
Then an Omelette or something light and easy.
Sometimes eating cereals and having a back to front breakfast which is filling without eating too much.

Yes sometimes when not feeling really hungry.
The fall-back is usually cruskets with a light cheese spread.
I wait for inspiration to strike. Fortunately my husband is easy going. Maybe it's the artist in me, but I just make it up as I go. It is hard to create something interesting and nutritious each night.
Yes, I do have a problem deciding what to cook , and I'm sick of the same old, same old, I like to cook different things.
I keep a record of what I cook each night. I'll only make the same recipe once a year. I look up recipes most days, the write them up on my online calendar, then look them up again, when that day comes around. Even before computers were invented (in then land of Oz anyway) I was reading cookbooks & I'd date each recipe I made, in pencil, so I wouldn't make it more than once a year. About once a month, I'd make up my own easy pasta each. We have: Chicken on Mondays,
lamb chops Tuesdays, salmon fillets Wednesdays, pork steaks Thursdays, Beef on Fridays, 'V' on Saturdays & a tin tuna meal on Sundays!!! If we return home late from a day out, we'll just have an omelet with veggies, or baked beans/spaghetti on toast!
by Miro
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