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Do you have a password on your mobile?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
Mobile (23)      Phone (23)      Security (14)     
By Stuart Miles, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

Do you have password on your mobile for security purposes? If so, how often do you change it?

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No, I don't have a password on my mobile. There's nothing private on there, except perhaps some text messages. Apart from that, I've nothing to hide.
by Vee
My work one does but my one does not. And may need to look at this! Hmmm!
No, I cannot be bothered with a password.

I also think that half the people stealing are probably so computer savvy that they can hack into phones anyway.

I would notice fairly quickly if my phone was stolen and notify the carrier immediately.
by Finy
I have never used one on my mobile.

No one would ever want my mobile, its nearly 10 years old!!!
Still going strong!
LG make things that last :)
by jonaja
Yes I have a security code on my mobile. To stop my young one from playing or downloading games on my mobile.
Yes I have a security code on my mobile. To stop my young one from playing or downloading games on my mobile.
No it doesn't nor do I have any important information stored in my mobile.

Yes.. but a pretty simple one.
Yes, I do! I change it at the end of every month. I've also just discovered that you can use words for iPhones, so I will be implementing that in about 3 days' time :) Quite excited for that.

I think it's necessary to have a password because people these days are absolutely ruthless when trying to find the goss, or sneaking through the contents of other's phone - I will never understand what is the benefit from such behaviour. It feels like a huge invasion of privacy.
Yes. There's nothing particularly private on there, but it stops the kids from playing with it without my permission. I would only change it if they found out what it is.
I did on my iPhone but I have not bothered on my Samsung.
Yes, I do have a Password for my Mob.
Yes, I do have a password. I think it may have been the reason that I was able to retrieve my mobile when I lost it a few weeks ago. I simply rang my number and spoke to the finder. It was no use to him with a password on it. Giving him the benefit of the doubt I gave him a cash reward. My husband has since put a password on his.
Not for my phone itself, but I do have certain apps password protected. Each one that has this has a different password or code, so I think that makes it a little more secure than just one password and then you can access the whole phone.
Ofcourse.. anybody gets my mobile, they've access to whatever I do online!
My mobile is a crappy $50 one from Telstra. I have a password code that needs to be entered when the phone is turned on, otherwise there's no other code.
No. I don't have anything illegitimate there.
Yes. Why would you NOT?
I was tired of having to use it every time I wanted to access it so only have screen lock on it now.
No I don't have a password, but my husband & I use the same pass No's, instead of a pass word.
by Miro
No, I don't, my phone is basic and I'm pretty happy with that.
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