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Do you have a paid, away from home, job?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have a paid job away from home?

#Paid job
#Job away from home
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No, I do not have a paid job away from home any more.

I had my own business for some 27 years and retired very young from this.

Now i do voluntary work away from home, which still has stress attached to it, but probably not quite as bad as a paid job.

Then again, if the job stresses you, maybe it is the wrong job -I used to love my own business.
by Finy
!I work OUT of home, I go out to do my job...I presume this is what is meant..
by fran
I was forced into early retirement due to illness in Feb 2008. I always loved my work,It was my passion rather than simply a way to make money to pay the bills.My very wise Dad always taught us to choose a career or job which we loved,then we would never work a day in our lives! This was certainly true for me!!! I miss it dreadfully......
Not at the moment since I'm at home with two kids.
I have even been offered more hours for 2015, but not sure if I wish to go down that path yet.
The office I will have to spend time in is rather claustrophobic!
So it may just be something that will do my head in.
I may give it a try for a couple of weeks and see how it go's.
Yes, but I work only 2.5 hours a week. It varies depending on how many kids I've got to tutor, but as I am looking to return to uni next year, I won't take any more on board until, well I don't know.
by Vee
I work outside my home - I like the idea of being able to work from home though.
by AJ
I currently do, I work in learning design.
I go to work outside the home almost everyday of the week. When I come home I do freelance work from home.
No, & I don’t have a paid job at home either.
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