Do you have a lot of spiders in and around the house?
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Do you have a lot of spiders in and around your home?
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No I don't because each year, when I get white ant treatment checks, I have the place sprayed for spiders which I do not like!
I DO have one spider this year inside but this is a rare thing - i do not like houses that have webs under eaves etc and hate having spiders inside, hence the spraying every year. The spraying is a nuisance as they spray all the outside windows and it makes an awful mess, but it also kills cockroaches outside.
At one point Jules had me taking photos of spider webs, with and without spiders, to see if that would help me see them as friends rather than foes. She used to take wonderful photos of dew laden webs in the early morning.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no . . . . . . !! I cannot live with spiders. I totally freak out.
I have to amend my answer slightly. . . .this is crazy but i am actually fond of the Saint Andrew's Cross Spiders . . . they don't seem to freak me out but it could be because you never see them inside. They seem quite benign. A huntsman spider causes me to completely lose it . . and they ALWAYS run at me!!! *scream*
Rice, I'm sorry I'm way off the topic here, but I don't like rubber indoor 'cleaning' cloves either, as they make my hands sweat. Someone suggested wearing white cotton gloves inside them. One can buy them at a chemist for a couple of $'s & some of the bargain stores may also sell them, which I think would be cheaper than the chemist ones! I also like those St Andrew X spiders in the garden.
Do you freak out like Fiona O'loughlin? Leave your kids in the car and run home because there's a spider on the dash, freak out?
Not at the moment..
But they don't bother me overly ...
I do our own treatment, one can buy from the Supermarket...It works quite well... :)
No. I don't have any inside the house, but occasionally we will find one in the car port. Spiders don't bother me that much. I let them live their lives, and I live mine.
I hate spiders,if I have a huntsman in the house I call my husband to get it and throw it away, where it can't come back in, the size of them freak me out! I know they say they clean the house of bugs, I still don't care, I hate them inside or outside!
I'd be dead. I just run and fall over furniture etc . . . terrified.
The golden orb spiders we often have in our yard are brilliant, until you walk into a sticky web!
I have many spiders in the garden. I am careful not to disrupt their webs. I remove them when the spider has gone so I they don't end up looking too messy. I have Golden Orb and St Andrews Cross as well as a few lovely little ones on plants. Quite a variety of small ones that are so different when you stop and look.
I have the occasional Huntsman in the house. We usually gently move them out. I remove webs inside and relocate the spiders. If I find a redback I will squash it, but usually the spiders or geckos kill them. I hate cockroaches and flies and the spiders eat them too.
I had a big huntsman guarding an egg sack on the glass of my bathroom door once. It was fascinating to watch the process. The female didn't eat or drink but guarded those eggs with her life. I tried to throw flies near her so she could eat, but she didn't. I could see the numerous spiderlings developing inside the sack and started to worry about them hatching and having spiders everywhere. I unscrewed the door with the spider and her egg sack and put it on my verandah. Shortly after there were baby spiders all over and the mother's spent body on the ground. It was kind of sad.
I don't use poisons if I can help it and try to let nature do its thing.
They must come out when you're asleep. :-P
Noo, please don't scare me. I hate spiders.
Yes, but they're not doing any harm, although we've had a few white-tips, even on our beds, but I've managed to catch them before they've bitten us, & I put them outside again. My husband is always warning me about funnel web spiders when I'm gardening, as I don't like wearing gardening gloves!
Oh, you are like me! I never wear gloves and then whinge that I have ruined my hands for another week. I find that gardening gloves overheat me, hurt my hands and render me totally clumsy. I have wasted $$$ on so many different pairs :(((
Ooooh, Miro, great tip. Thank you !! :-)))))))))
we don't have a huge number. And the ones we have at the moment are only small "house spiders". Although I guess we have lots now...I recently had a mumma spider on my bathroom window and I could see that she was going to have some babies soon. So I couldn't very well kill her...And now she has had her babies.
The house we lived in in Darwin used to get HEAPS of HUGE huntsman spiders. I freaking hate them and they freak me out.
Yes, we have quite a few. We live in a rural location - lots of woods, lots of bugs, lots of spiders. We also live in the only region in Canada that has a spider in the tarantula family. It actually looks a lot like the one pictured in the question. As far as tarantulas, they aren't that big, but they're bug enough to freak me out. I am not a fan, not at all.
Damn!! I love Canada so much . . now when I go I will be looking for them :(
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