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Do you have a heavy breakfast?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
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Do you think that it is important to have breakfast in the morning? What do you have for breakfast? Do you sometimes find you don't have time to have one?

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I need food in the morning, I can miss lunch all the time...but not the important breakfast, which is vital to kick start your body.Plus, I get a headache and growl
about 10 am if not fed?
I have a heavy one, post my workouts.
Not heavy exactly. A bowl of oats it is mostly
It's been proven time and time again that it's important to have breakfast. I know I can't funciton properly without one. I wouldn't say I have a "heavy" one. Usually just cereal or toast. If I have time, eggs keeps me going for a while.
I never have breakfast, and I function perfectly well without it.
No. I have always been a breakfast person, but these days I just can't stomach much in the morning and when I do eat a little too much I don't feel good. Much prefer breakfast smoothies these days as a compromise on getting vital nutrition in first thing in the morning and not wanting to eat much.
Not in the habit of having a heavy breakfast. More like a cup of tea on the go,
It all depends on what you are doing for the day! And what you will b eating.. If you will be having a light lunch then a heavy breakfast and vice/versa If you are having an active day it's best to have a hearty/carbohydrate packed meal.. A bowl of fruit and natural yoghurt is most recommended with a light snack before lunch I love Eggs Florentine as a treat on a Sunday
Occassionally i do..?!
I have a bowl of home made muesli with Soya milk during the week and at the weekends i have a cooked breakfast or pancakes and fruit. I can not function without breakfast
I usually have scrambled eggs on toast for breakky so I guess it's a little heavy.
I always need breakfast, but I rarely have a heavy one because of time. I can't really cope with a too-full belly in the morning either - it makes me feel sick.
Oh yeah.Brekky favorite meal of the day.I indulge in all the fatty cheesy stuff that i got tempted eating the previous night.It somehow soothes my guilt and consoles me that I will burn it during the day :) hehehe
I usually have a light breakfast - a shake or a toast.
When I was younger and my metabolism was quicker I used to find I could deal better with a heavy breakfast. These days I mainly eat very lightly in the morning...just fresh fruit, if I'm at home, or organic museli when I'm travelling. Sometimes when I'm very busy I'll skip brekkie, but I find that's not such a good idea as I'll sometimes sooth my hunger pangs with a chocolate bar later.
When I was younger and my metabolism was quicker I used to find I could deal better with a heavy breakfast. These days I mainly eat very lightly in the morning...just fresh fruit, if I'm at home, or organic museli when I'm travelling. Sometimes when I'm very busy I'll skip brekkie, but I find that's not such a good idea as I'll sometimes sooth my hunger pangs with a chocolate bar later.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. That's the saying, right?
I rarely eat breakfast, I usually just have two cups of coffee and that's it until lunch.
Yes, I like a good quality heavy breakfast - usually this means I can skip lunch!

I love this breakfast brushetta. It's got toasted organic milk sourdough with sautéed mushrooms, rocket, pine nuts, feta cheese, truffle oil, topped with a soft poach egg then drizzled with a thick balsamic glaze.

is this considered a heavy breakfast? Perhaps, but it is totally yum and give me all the energy I needed for the day.
I usually just have toast
I tend not to eat breakfast or lunch.
Depends how you feel.

For all the years' I was working, didn't eat breakfast.
First time I could 'face food' was approx 11.00am, unless I was at an Hotel on holidays, or at 40,000 flying back here, on QANTAS, of course!

Nowadays, just eat whenever I feel like it. I still seem to eat enough though, 'to keep body & soul together'!

The only time I eat breakfast is when I'm in hospital m at home im too tired to eat first thing in the morning. I usually start off with tea or coffee and wait til I feel hungry. I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but you can't force yourself to eat.
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