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Do you have a healthy relationship with the electronic gadgets you possess?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Health (523)      Gadgets (11)     
We are wired to the wazoo. Starting from smartphones, to tablets, to smart TVs, to smart electronic gadgets (refrigerators, coffee makers, etc.), to our laptops/PCs and more.

What is a healthy relationship with our "smart gadgets"? How is being wired to the world affecting our healths, lives and relationships? Are we becoming better communicators or worse? Are these gadgets improving or deteriorating the quality of our lives? Are we bringing unwanted workload and uninvited people into our households through being connected? What is the future of being connected? What kind of "connectivity" do we want for our children? Are we good role models for them?

These questions are inter-twined (at least in my mind). Let's explore the answers together.

smart phones, tablets, smart TVs, wired, connected

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My parents and I must be about the 1% of the population that do not have a mobile phone. People always give gasps of shock when we tell them, and ask how we survive. Quite easily thank you. We have never found the need for a mobile phone, nor do any of us want one. We don't want to be reachable everywhere we go. But as we head further down the line, I can't help but feel that society is almost going to force them upon us.

I don't have a tablet or ipod either. The three devices I use are my kindle for reading while travelling on transport, a television for watching DVDs and few shows (although I don't watch TV half as much as I used to), and my laptop. When it comes to my laptop, I confess I am addicted. I wouldn't be able to get on without it.
The short answer is No. i am addicted to my smartphone and suffer from separation anxiety when it is not around. Quite depressing.
I am terribly addicted to my smartphone. I've left the house without my phone before but it makes me worried that someone wanted to find me but couldn't or i have important messages to reply to. At home I'm addicted to the internet, whether it's to watch a movie, surf the web, find some yummy recipes, chatting with friends or reading interesting articles. I've spent hours on wikipedia (although not always reliable) just because one article or topic lead to another and another.
No, I am too connected with my phone. I've started removing it, and having holidays without it. I'm bad....
I'm trying to improve my relationship with my smartphone so I'm no longer co-dependent on it. I think at times I've gotten a bit addicted to it and I think (in fact I know) I've been guilty of way too much phone time when I'm with my kids *hangs head in shame*. A while back I was at the park and a pretty little girl made her way up onto a climbing frame. She was only tiny so this looked quite a feat. She got to the top and shouted for her mummy to look. Her mummy missed the whole moment due to the smart phone co-dependency I was heading towards. I say this without judgement because that was nearly me. So now if I'm with my kids, my phone is out of sight and hopefully soon, out of mind. Except when I'm taking their photo which is admittedly way too often.
Pretty healthy. I left my iPhone at home for four days while away, and I did not miss it one iota. Also, I am reading books on the train now.
Yes, I love them all!
by Finy
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