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Do you have a fish pond?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Relaxation (18)      Fish (17)      FishPond (1)     

A pond to relax by.
A pond to relax by

A fish pond can provide a relaxing oasis in the garden. Even when goldfish are in a hurry they seem at peace with the world.

Do you have a pond or would you like one?

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I wish I had!
I love them, but I can't really have one where I live....I could get a fish tank!! Oh yeah :)

Yes, I have one in my front courtyard. I love it.
I would love a pond! When we buy our dream property I plan to ensure there is a decent fish pond.
No. I like the idea of having one but it's a bit impractical. It would need something over it to keep the birds from eating the fish, and legally they have to be fenced off here in QLD because kids could drown in them (as they could in a bath, it doesn't take much water with little ones).
We have a fairly large pond as backyard ponds go. We are not required to have pool fencing around it but we do have it in a yard with full height fencing and gates that are always locked.

We love watching the fish and our grandchildren have always been fascinated by them, the young ones always want to feed the fish.
No. I'm not a fan of keeping either fish or birds.
by Vee
I had a fish pond till about 3 months ago when my 5 goldfish suddenly died.

I have a fountain over the top and it was lovely -no idea why they died however i drained the water and it was putrid on the bottom as it is a cemented pond, and now i need a handyman to clean and repaint it.

I don't think i will put fish in again though as they make it so dirty and you cannot clean it even though I have a filter.
by Finy
I would like one
I would love one but there is nowhere suitable in my current garden.... maybe in my next house!
Though my son demonstrated the dangers of having a pond with small children around when he ran straight into the pond at my parents' house. He was drenched in very stinky water up to his waist, very shocked but otherwise ok. And I reassured him that I had done the same thing about his age too :)
Used to. Was but a passing enjoyment. Once all fish had eventually died, & this took some years, filled it in.
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