Do you have a favourite type of mango?
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Definitely yes!
CALYPSO is my favourite as the pip is smaller, and you get more mango.
It is also easier to eat this kind as the flesh seems to come away from the skin easier.
Love them!
I'll go the other way . . . I can't stand the K2D2 mangoes. Love all the others.
(R2E2?? . . E = mc2 . . .? . . . X marks the spot? . . . . oh, you know the ones I mean. LOL)
Hi Rice, Yes, those R2D2, are the worst, so we never but them either. We only buy the other 2 brands, Kensington Pride or Calypso.
Hi Miro, Happy New Year . . . . and high five on the mangoes, I totally agree with you :-))
Another code for Calypso... now if they could grow them without a seed that would work for me.
My favourite type is whatever kind someone else has prepared for me :)
There's also a certain pleasure in eating a mango from a backyard tree. Although these tend to be the stringy kind I think.
I go by smell. I haven't got a favourite that I know of. I love mangoes and my poor husband loves them too, but can't eat them. I try not to have mangoes in the house. I will buy a mango ready to eat for that reason.
I love most mangos, infact there aren't many I dislike, maybe the filipino ones, they are too small.
Kensington Pride are usually very good!🤗🤗
Nope, I don't mango.
I wish I did, I'll keep trying lol
As I've replied to Rice, we only like eating, Calypso & Kensington, & we never buy R2D2. (Or is that from Star Wars?)
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