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Do you have a favourite spa?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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If you are one who goes for pamper sessions regularly, which spa is your favourite?

#Life style
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Never been to one in my life, it must be nice though.
I've never been to a spar before.
Spar? That's what holds wing onto an aircraft! Lol!
by donjo
I've never been on one of those either :P
I guess it depends on what you consider to be pampering. I get a manicure and a pedicure done every couple of months but I don't go to a spa for that. They are very over priced. My daughter got me a voucher for one at a spa, bless her heart, and it was the worst manicure I have ever had. My daughter also got me a voucher for a massage, so I must go get that done. I don't have a favourite place. I go to whatever place the gift voucher comes from, as that's the only way I could afford it. When we go cruising, I live at the day spa. It is very affordable. To go on a cruise, it should be a pampering experience, as it is not something you do often. On our first cruise we got a couples massage ( amongst other things ) included in our package. It was lovely. I don't mind a nice massage.
I have never been to one, I have lived most of my life around the poverty line and a day at a spa, is a huge luxury I could never afford. I would love to go to one. I have never had a manicure, or pedicure, facial or anything like that. May be someday it will be something for me to wish for.
I haven't ever been to a spa, or even had a massage. I'm too shy to get in the buff and have someone give me a massage.
Me too. Eek. 00
by Rice
I just don't think I'm spa kinda girl, somehow. If you know the scene in Calamity Jane where she gets all gussied up in a beautiful lemon dress and then falls "in that danged crick!" . . . . well, that would be me.
by Rice
oh . . . and the result . .
by Rice
No i dont go to a spa any more -used to have one in my house -novelty wore off quite fast though! Smell was delightful -cedar
by Finy
A Spa & I haven't met, nor likely too!
Germs, anyone?
I thought I had a favourite spa until I wen to Phillipines

The spas there are not only cheap but they are amazing!
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