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Do you have a favourite place to have a buffet meal?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have a favourite place you go to for a buffet meal, or do you not like buffets?

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#Hotel food
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Buffets scare me these days. I keep wondering if they washed their hands, wore their gloves, washed the greens multiple times etc . . . . . Howard Hughes, here I come :(
by Rice
O M G !!!! You and I are soooo much alike scary. and I like good food, not rubbish :)
by jonaja
Oh! Rice, then you've got to worry with displayed food, general public hands', especially kids, putting their hands IN, & mixing up Desserts! Saw this at a sizzler. No staff, or parents' to stop them. Yuck, BIG time!
Dirty adults, too, sneezing, coughing, spitting, you know the ones'!

Those supposed 'hygiene hoods' are useless, over the food. They stop nothing, & due my height I keep hitting my head on them! Not funny, Jan!
by donjo
Definitely the Hyatt or is it called something else now.
They have seafood with delicious oysters, smoked salmon, prawns etc, as well as the most delightful small bowls of dessert.
I usually take about 6 different ones as cannot resist it.
Their hot foods are also delicious.

I also used to like the buffet breakfast at Miss Maude's in Perth.

I love buffet as I am greedy!
However, always leave feeling not so good.
by Finy
Don't do sizzler; too many filthy kids putting their grubby little hands INTO the food, & parents' not watching what they're doing, with no correction, & lazy couldn't care less attitude.
Dirty various other nationalities' coughing, sneezing, spitting over the food. Little wonder pandemics' start in their countries'. Yuck, big time!

If I want a buffet meal, will go to a * star Hotel, pay the price, & enjoy.
Have had some fabulous ones' over the years at Sheraton (now Sofitel), Hilton, Parkroyal, & others.
Don't have to put up with 'ferals' at their prices, thank goodness!
Oh dear! Looks like 4 of my 'stars' dropped off!

I DO mean FIVE Star Hotel!
by donjo
I have to say I know what you mean, donjo, my ex M-i-L often said the exact thing you are saying and she would never go to Sizzler for that reason. As to the hoods . . LOL . . .I am so short I get stuck under them *boing*. I prefer to go "more stars" too . . . but mainly I like to wash and prepare my own food. Seems like every time I go out to meet a friend for a cuppa I get a dirty cup . . . yuk.
by Rice
I am a very small eater,so Buffets are extremely poor value for me! My son,who is a chef,says that I eat like a SPARROW,so even he says that buffets are a total waste of money for me!! When I go to a restaurant I only ever order an entree size meal,and even these are sometimes too much for me to eat! I am a huge embarrassment to my poor son,when we eat out,as he tends to know so many of the chefs around town here!! As for buffets though,I can admit to enjoying the one served at my favourite Thai restaurant, as they always are replacing the rapidly emptied serving platters,so I know the food is extremely fresh!! As my son has cooked in their kitchen on many occasions,we also know exactly how hygienically this restaurant is run!! The food is so delicious there all the time!
When it comes to 'Buffet Meals'', I avoid them because I get turned off big time.

It would need to be a 5 star Hotel kind of buffet for me to eat at.

I have only been to 2-3 5 start, and many of the normal kind.
I can't now do less than 5 star.

I know it sounds (bad)....but they just do not make me want to eat.

I know how the food is made, and that is such a turnoff for me.I would rather go hungry, seriously!

I do like buffet, but only the best will do for me.....

the Hyatt IS a 5 star, and I believe the Sheraton in Sydney used to be fabulous -in pitt st - is it the Sheraton -just down from Market St David Jones? That was out of this world but going back some years
by Finy
Woohoo. *high five* :-)))
by Rice
I like the idea of buffets because you can choose exactly what goes on your plate and how much goes on your plate. I don't seek out buffets though.
by AJ
My options are a bit limited being vegetarian and lactose intollerant, but in theory I like buffets. Sizzler is all right.
We do not go out for buffet meals. Some of the places we have been to in the past have food that looks terrible!! It has been sitting there and sitting there so any nutritional value left it ages ago. So funny to see the people who just keep going back for more and more !!! They are not good for the waistline at all. People think that because they have paid a certain amount, that they have to ' get their moneys worth '. It doesn't mean that at all. No one likes a pig.
I eat at our local cubs buffets but always make sure to get there as soon as they open to get the freshest and hottest food. I don't overeat but wonder how these thin people consume full plate after full plate of food. There doesn't seem to be a problem with children at the buffet as there is an age regulation for serving oneself, and younger ones have to be accompanied by an older person. I do admit to seeing gutzes from time to time who think they are getting more for their money and this can turn me off eating along with bad manners, slurping their seafood out of shells and leaving on the table rather than putting on a plate
by Rice
I have to say that I have been to only one buffet that I really enjoyed...too bad it was in Fiji. Safe to say that I can't afford to go often.
by Vee
No.... I love buffets, and it has been recommended to me to check out the Crown Casino restaurant which has all you can eat buffets.... I think on Tuesdays.... for about $15.
I am meaning to get to it one day, but just haven't. I don't go out for dinner very much, only on occasion, usually when someone else is driving and paying!!
which State Pippa?
by Finy
by pippa
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