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Do you have a favourite cup or mug that you like to drink your tea or coffee from?

by Sandy Ludinski (follow)
As a freelance writer I enjoy writing about a variety of subjects. You can read more of my articles on my blog: babybloomin.wordpress.com or at http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/124491/
Tea cup (2)      Coffee mug (1)      Fine bone china (1)     

Fine china mug
Image taken by writer

I like drinking my tea from fine bone china, not because I'm a snob, I just think it tastes so much better.

Do you have a favourite cup or mug to drink your tea or coffee from?

#Tea cup
#Coffee mug
#Fine bone china
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I used to have a lovely handmade pottery mug that I drank my tea from but it disappeared when we moved house (my husband thinks he accidentally took it to an op shop, along with all the rest of mugs and glassware). One of these days I'll get a replacement for it, but it involves going on a long drive to the place it came from.
No I try very hard not to get attached to any particular vessel!
I have favourite cups - but don't drink tea and coffee.
When I was younger I had designated favorite utensils. Now, I drink out of the first cup I catch.
I grew up with my family loving Royal Albert,so I have their mugs because I love pretty things.It's instead of them collecting dust of course.
I use the green one the most :)
Apparently it's china. I didn't even realise. I love it. It's the only mug I use.
by Vee
Nope. Whatever's available is good enough.
I used to,have a favourite blue mug, we bought them from a market on the Sunshine Coast and they were fantastic. Great colour (light blue), big and just the right shape to cup in your hand. Now they have all been broken and thrown away :(. I no longer have a favourite but if I'm drinking tea then it has to be a blue coloured mug, nothing else seems right. How weird is that !!
Time to buy a new set of blue mugs!
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