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Do you have a favourite cryptid?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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Patterson-Gimlin film, bigfoot, bigfoot hoax
A frame supposedly showing Bigfoot in the discredited Patterson-Gimlin film. Via Wikipedia

Cryptids are animals whose existance is supposed but uproven and disputed, including legendary creatures unknown to the fossil record like Bigfoot, hoaxes like the Jackalope (a rabbit with deer antlers), and sightings of animals outside their known range, such as a crocodile sighted in Wales.

Whether these creatures actually exist or not the stories about them can be great fun. Do you have a favourite? Are there any cryptid stories from your area?

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No I do not have a favourite, and there are no cryptid stories that I know of round here.

I had not even heard of this word before!
by Finy

Has to be the one I always seem to think (maybe one day)? they may find real proof.
I've heard a few stories of Aussie cryptids, like there supposedly still being Tasmanian Tigers, or the story about there being big cats in the bush, supposedly mascots left behind by WWII soldiers. The only story from up my way I can think of is when there were sightings of a crocodile in the Noosa river, far south of their usual range, but to my great surprise that one turned out to be the real deal.

My favourite would be the Giant Sandworms of the Gobi Desert. They're just so silly. I also like the yeti stories and anything involving giant snakes.
I should add that the crocodile (caiman I think it was actually) in Wales is something I read about a while back. Apparently some rich idiot dumped it there and it died of the cold.
Well the Loch Ness monster is the most famous one from near me but I'm not that fond of her to be honest. I prefer the stories about big cats roaming around that pop up every now and again.
I'm with jonaj on this one, I like the idea of the Loch Ness monster. There was a television series some years ago that piqued my interest - but I can't be sure if it was about the Loch Ness monster or something else. In any case, it's certainly a bit of fun.
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