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Do you have a favourite chocolate bar?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have a favourite chocolate bar?

#Chocolate bar
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I don't think I could eat these bars anymore.
Since cutting down on sweets and sugar, I had a bite of my grandson's and it was so sickly sweet I dont think I could eat them.

I used to love them all and did not really have a favourite.

Now I eat one piece of Lindt, or rather Frey 75% dark chocolate on many nights but no chocolate bars.
by Finy
I haven't bought any chocolate bars for years, as they were only made with milk chocolate! Now they are starting to make them in the dark chocolate, but I've lost interest in them now. I do still buy blocks of dark chocolate though, but only the Aldi dark ones & Lindt, & we have a square of those every evening.
by Miro
My new chant is going to be . . "Miro is my hero!!" . . . 1000 points for your willpower, miro :-))
by Rice
Oh wow, Miro . . . that clotted cream fudge sounds like absolute heaven!!
by Rice
Kit-Kat have now bought out 1 or 2 dark chocolate bars & I think 1 of them is mint, but I haven't tried them yet.
by Miro
I used to have one of the Mars Bar mini every night after dinner, but the dietitian weaned me off them. I also like Boost, but don't eat either anymore. I have mostly weaned myself off sugar, save for a little bit of Lindt after dinner. I can't go without chocolate completely, and it would be a cruel world if I had to. I have found a sugarless chocolate that tastes ok. Chocolate is my only vice. Can't live without it.
Everytime, Lindt...not toooo sweet, just divine
to eat. :)
I do. Flake. Can't have one but love them to bits. :((
by Rice
Gee, thanks Rice! My downfall is FUDGE though, when Aldi sell it, which is once a year, I buy a 150g box of each verity! The 1 I'm eating my way through the 'butter fudge', the next will be 'clotted cream' fudge & I'm saving the best till last, the 'salted caramel' fudge'!!! I've already forgotten what the 1st 1 was. I don't know why they don't make me put on a TON of weight! Also once a year, Aldi sell 2 other types of Darrel Lea fudge, 1 of them being 'ginger' fudge, which is $3/4's cheaper than I've seen it sold for elsewhere.
by Miro
Picnic. Also like Twix and Boost. It's a caramel thing!
Mmmmmmmm . . . Piccccccnicccccc . . . . . . mmmmmmmm. *sob*
by Rice
me too sob, Rice!
by Finy
My favourite was cherry ripe. I rarely eat chocolate now and end up throwing blocks out just because I don't feel like eating them.
Helga, I used to LOVE cherry ripe, because of the dark chocolate, but now, as I'm getting older, (like the rest of us,) I find it to sickly sweet! Boo Hoo 4 me!
by Miro
Me too, since weening myself off sugar, I don't crave chocolate everyday anymore, mostly I like the darker ones, like lindt and nothing too sweet, mars make small bites which I find at the reject shop and that little size is enough.
As a child, Mars bars were my favourite, but now I find them far too sweet. My favourite at the moment would be the walkers dark chocolate peanut slab.
I don't eat a lot of chocolate bars. I can't remember the last time I had a bar of chocolate. I do like chocolate though. I have a few favourites and couldn't choose just one.
by AJ
Not really. I like a variety. Depends on what mood I'm in
Years ago there used to be a chocolate bar by the name of coffee crisp that was my favourite,but like everything else that is nice they discontinued it, so now I would have to say Kit Kat.
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