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Do you have a favorite swimming technique?

by dwatk (follow)
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There are several different strokes or swimming styles that are in use. Which is your favorite?

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My fave is Freestyle. Then Breastroke, Backstroke, & Butterfly.

I was my School's both Swimming, & Open Champion, aged 17, & 18.

My times for 50m Freestyle were 26secs., & 100m, 56secs.
At 14, I set a record for 50m Breastroke, & it was 18 years' before it was broken, & then, only by 1/10th of a second!

In conjunction with my swimming, I did 'Life Saving' exams. In my State, I was the youngest student to complete an 'Award of Merit' at age 16!
On two separate occasions', I rescued a girl each, from the bottom of School pool.

I loved/love swimming, & I'm pleased it's compulsory at School.
I believe everybody should learn, as it's 'no burden' to carry'!
That's awesome!
by dwatk
Thanks, dewatk! I used to train 2 MILES' each day, from when I was 13 until 19!
AND we didn't have the added advantage of the 'porpoise kick', that they're allowed to do, in this day, & age, which, of course, makes one's movement through the water faster, at race beginning!
But when I'd completed my 'starting dive, by the time I'd surfaced, I'd reached the 15m mark!
I powered off the block, flew through the air, then slammed onto the water, so I didn't go too deep, because that was 'time lost'! It was a 'unique' starting dive!

by donjo
Of course, this was supposed to be with my answer. Grrrr.
by Rice
Yes. Dry land.
by Rice
Oh! Rice, choked on my 'Rice Bubbles & Banana' with your answer! Lol!
by donjo
by Rice
When the swimming teacher, AKA Meg@ B!tch From Hell pushes your head under the water and tries to drown you because you are afraid - at nine years of age and having never SEEN a pool before - well, it ruins swimming forever. (and I have tried many times to learn). I hate, loathe and detest water and I never go near it if at all possible.
by Rice
I like backstroke.

I never watch the swimming on the Olympics, I find it boring. Tell me who won the medals, that'll do me.
I used to like swimming as a child, but as I got older I found it boring. I'm not versed up in knowing which stroke is which. I know the names, but can't tell you which is which.
I love to see the Butterfly.
Can't do it, but it looks powerful & fast.
Yes, jonaj, Butterfly is the most difficult to do, as the stroke makes the whole body lift out of the water. The power must come from the arms, shoulders, & back. The kicking motion adds to that power!
As a 'result' of my swimming career, which went to State level, I've got 24" wide shoulders, with still much power in them, no hips, & no bum! But my height of 5'8" was an advantage, too! Cheers to you!
by donjo
Oh! wow go you good thing ~~~~~ :)
by jonaja
I don't think I have a favorite swimming technique. Mostly because i don't swim or watch swimming

My favorite technique would most likely be the breast stroke.
I think the one I like is called the breast stroke. I prefer to swim in a pool than the ocean. I can swim, but not that well. I have a terrible fear of water, so I never go down the deep end. I don't like putting my head under water. I did do swimming lessons to overcome my fear, but it didn't really work. I am competent in the water, and can save myself if needed. I don't do much swimming, unless I am on holidays, and then I love to use the pool at the hotel, or resort, or cruise liner.
Oh! Lluxi......Breastroke's the least tiring of all the swimming strokes!
If people find themselves 'in difficulties', they MUST swim breaststroke! They can see where they're going, & can keep swmming, for a long time!
by donjo
Must be why I like it so much, donjo !!
by Lluxi
Im not a very good swimmer. My bottom floats while the rest of me sinks. I would have to say floating.
I am probably one of the worst swimmers in the world. So, no, I don't have a "favourite swimming technique" - LOL!
by Vee
I am hearing the BeeGees in my head now, Vee, . . . "Ha, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive" . . . . . that's my only thought when in water. Bahahahahaha!
by Rice
Yes, I prefer breast-stroke although I can swim backstroke and Crawl.
Butterfly stroke is a bit strenuous.
i like any type of swimming technique
by Finy
I don't have any favourite and I am not a good swimmer but am happy to paddle around and stay afloat. Can do that for long time....
Definitely: breast and backstroke. Everything else is totally too much effort!
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