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Do you have a clock - or something you can tell the time at night - next to your bed?

by Finy (follow)
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Clock (3)      Clock at night (1)      Illuminated clock (1)     

Photo: www.telegraph.co.uk

Do you need to know the time if you wake in the night?

Do you sleep with a clock next to your bed?

#Clock at night
#Illuminated clock
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I dont know why, but I MUST have a clock I can see the time next to my bed when I wake in the night.

I need to know if it is waking up time, or going back to sleep.

I really do not sleep well if I do not have this illuminated clock next to my bed!
by Finy
Oh! finy, does not the illumination keep you awake? According to scientific(?) research, we should sleep in a completely darkened room! I have to drape a folded tea towel over my 'set-top box' & 'VCR' or their light & clock would keep me awake, as straight opposite me! Lol!
by donjo
Wow, Finy, I am the complete opposite! I can never have a clock of any kind in my bedroom and when I wake up I look at my iPod for the time.
by Rice
Yes I have a clock that you can see in the dark, so I can tell the time. If I wake up, I want to knowhow much time I have left before I need to get up.
Oh! Bryony, if I wake during the night & look at the clock to do as you do, it 'jinx's' me, & I can't get back to sleep, so I'll toss & turn for x hours, then the alarm will ring, & I feel as if I haven't slept a wink!

This is when I was working, but now I rarely need to set an alarm, so it doesn't matter that much anymore! Cheers!
by donjo
Yes I sure do, and when I press on the top of the clock, I can see in the dark the time....I would be lost without it, truth be told.
Mine can even project the time on the ceiling!! love it :)
I've been using my phone as a bedside clock and alarm for years now, I think the last time I had an alarm clock was maybe 15 years ago...something like that.
Yes - I have always had an alarm clock next to my bed.
by AJ
No I don't have a clock beside my bed. I find the light from it extremely annoying and it interrupts my sleep.

If I need to check the time I just use my phone.
Yes I have a clock and my phone.. Not sure
Why the time matters in the middle of the night

Usually an alarm clock
No. Although I sometimes find I want to know the time if I wake up during the night, most of the time as I lie awake staring at a clock as the night ticks away, I panic I won't get enough sleep. So no clocks, and you know, I sleep much better than when I used to have one in my room. Now, if I really want to know, I just go into the next room and check the time there.
by Vee
I used to keep my phone next to my bed, but no longer do. If we are not supposed to dispose of our phones in the ordinary garbage because they contain toxic chemicals, just imagine what they do sitting next to your head!
by Vee
Yes definitely have to have an illuminated clock next to my bed,
by fran
Yes definitely have to have an illuminated clock next to my bed,
by fran
I used to have3 a clock on my bedside table,but now I have one about 5 feet away,where I can still see the time if I need to! I don't when this clock placement changed,and I do not mind it a bit.There is more room for my stash of gorgeous books!!
Almost. I have a project vision clock that displays the time in big print on the ceiling. That way I don't have to do gymnastics in the bed to be able to get myself in to a position to see what time it is !
Yes, digital clock. It's always by my bed. It's alarm as well, which sometimes I ignore!
With my clocks around the house, including VCR ones, I can always check what time it is, in convenient 24 hour mode!
I hate not being able to check the time!
P.S. To illuminate, must press down large 'bar'.
So there're NO lights, of any description, in my bedroom to keep me awake!
by donjo
I have a clock and my mobile phone on my bedside table so I can tell the time.
No and no. No ticking, no bright numbers, no electrical "hum" for me at night, just blissful cool darkness.
by Rice
Yes I Do and I always wake at 3am and it takes awhile to get back to sleep.
Yes, I have to have a digital clock next to the bed on the off-chance I wake up in the night. The 'light' from it is so minimal it doesn't affect me at all. Though strangely I prefer red numbers rather than the pale blue/green that is also available. I CANNOT sleep with a ticking clock in the room - that drives me completely insane!
Yes, I have 1 on the right side of the bed, & 1 on the left side, just in case the battery runs out out on 1, in the middle of the night. I used to have a little 1 that the Blood Bank gave me years & years ago, but that has now been moved into another bedroom, & I just have my 2 white ones now. My 2nd white 1 was given to me as a present, from a friend, when I happen to have mentioned the battery had run out on my bedside clock!!!
by Miro
I do have an electric clock near my bed but have taught myself not to look at it during waking hours. One of the things the sleep apnea support group taught me was that if you wake and look at the clock, your mind tells you how many hours you have to go before you "wake up" and that's not healthy. I do however look at it when my cat taps me on the shoulder to tell me she wants to go outside and estimate what time she will want to come back inside so I doze until she taps my bedroom shutters to come in again.
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