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Do you have a Christmas tradition?

by chipp (follow)
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Christmas, Christmas traditions

Traditions can be passed down from family to family. Of course, this may change over time when two different families have two different traditions. Do you have a Christmas tradition that you follow through each year?

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Our Christmas tradition used to be to have Christmas lunch at our house, and then on Boxing Day to go round to my grandparents for a buffet. After my grandma died, however, my grandpa comes round to us both days. We still have the Boxing Day buffet though, and Gramp's annual Christmas sponge.

On Christmas day, the tradition is to get up and open presents in the late morning. We will then have lunch mid-afternoon before retiring to the living room to chat, complain about the lack of quality Christmas television, and wait for the Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special to come on.
I grew up in a very large family. To avoid the excitement of Christmas morning gift opening, we used to exchange gifts before bed on Christmas Eve (no parent wants 11 sleepless children to deal with on Christmas Eve). Now that I have moved away and have a husband, I am hoping to start a new tradition this year. It will be the first time ever that either of us will be cutting down our own Christmas tree.
I decided to change as the menu tradition. I always witnessed my mom and aunt's working so hard in the kitchen and getting stressed. And it was always the same type of food. So, as a result we are allowed to choose one of our favorite items to eat each year. And we all help in the kitchen. Last Christmas sweet pumpkin, chicken burgers, Roast Chicken with homemade stuffing and Cesar Salad.
Go to Church on Christmas Eve. Have breakfast and dinner with the family at the same house - year in and year out.
Breakfast with the immediate family - fresh fruit, waffles and a quiche that is so rich it's made just once a year! Then party late into the night with the extended family.
I have a little one(that I do every year).
I came up with it, for many reasons (after one Christmas in point).
We always have Christmas in the middle of the day.


At about 7:pm
Every Christmas Night
I say

''Thank Goodness that is over for another year''.
Yes, many!

We set-up not only the Tree decorated, but the beautiful Nativity Scene statues/barn I inherited from my Mother, who bought it after the War. My daughter now has it!

After attending Church, always had Seafood BBQ with Champers & OJ.
Then Lunch was freshly made Ham Sanwiches & a 'cuppa'.
Dinner was a Roast Chook, Veggies & Gravy, followed by Plum Pudding & Brandy Butter &/or Custard.

All very civilised, & just our little Family.
Visiting others' was for Boxing Day, if wanted.
Rain, hail or shine, as long as it is warm, we hit the beach.
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