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Do you have a birth certiificate or extract?

by grann (follow)
Legal (14)      Birth certificate (1)      Australian citizenship (1)     

Birth certificate extract

I heard on a radio program recently that many folk do not have a birth certificate because their births have never been registered, and by "many", I mean thousands throughout Australia. Various circumstances have come between them and being legal Australian citizens. As this is so widespread, a charity group is helping them to obtain this piece of paper which allows them to get a licence, passport etc. Do you have one? Where is it?

#Birth certificate
#Australian citizenship
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Being adopted I only and an extract of entry for many years. When I first got my birth certificate it had big black stamps "ADOPTED" all over it. It's so horrible.. but I needed it for my passport.

Then when I legally changed my name after my divorce they re-issued my birth certificate and it looked like a nice normal birth certificate.
My adopted children can only have extracts of their birth certificates, but they certainly didn't have ADOPTED stamped all over them.
by grann
nor did mine!
by Finy
I guess they stopped doing it, which is good. Because it was really horrible. Huge black stamp right across it.
Why were births never registered? Was that during a particular period, so one particular age group are most likely missing certificates, or is it spread across generations?

I'm in the UK, and have my certificate.
It is spread across generations. The charity group assisting with registering births, even those which occurred decades ago, say they get a warm glow when a whole class of children proudly holds up their certificates. Factors include isolation, poor literacy, and English as a second language. It is particularly common in the indgenous population.
by grann
I have it with me.
by Vee
I was born in India and I have mine
Yes, I have both.

I have found I needed the extract several times during the last 30 years and I thought everyone has one!
by Finy
I have my full birth certificate (with the price of one shilling shown on it!), and my naturalization certificate. Both in a tin with my passport.
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