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Do you grow your own fruit at home?

by Natasha Stewart (follow)
Food (698)      Fruit (82)      Gardening (52)     

grapes, fruit, gardening

There's something really satisfying about growing your own fruit at home. Do you have any fruit trees at your house? Do you regularly get to eat your own fruit?

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For the last two or three years we have grown our own tomatoes and strawberries, but they are rather a lot of trouble to look after, so we're not bothering this year.
I'm pretty bad at things like tomatoes and strawberries. I find fruit trees are a little heartier and can survive with a little less love.
I did try sometime back but failed miserably! My strawberries were the size of green peas:)
We have a lemon tree which has loads of tiny lemons on it right now. We have an olive tree too but it's too young to fruit yet.
I have a grape vine at my house, but we also grow apricots, nectarines and peaches at my parent's house. I find the battle is trying to get them when they're ripe before the birds have eaten them.

I'd love to have a fig tree.
Sadly we don't have the space....our garden is small.They need a lot of area, for the roots.
Try a dwarf variety of lemon in a large pot.
You will be amazed with the results.
by farle
We grow our own grapefruits, oranges and lemons, but for some reason they're not growing this year.
by Vee
You need to check the Ph of your soil, water regularly, feed once a month with Liquid seaweed and use a fertiliser this time of year that contains sulphate of potash
Thanks for the advice, I'll try that as soon as possible. Maybe we can still grow some.
by Vee
I have tried to grow fruit but usually the local animals, like possums, bats and cockatoos, get to it all before I do.
That sounds a lot like our house!
On a suburban block we have self sown pumpkins growing out of the compost and rambling passionfruit vines along all fences. It is really fun for the kids to grown their own vegies too, like tomatoes, corn, beans and lettuce which are very easy to grow, and don't take up too much space.
by Lucy
Have a fig tree at home :)
Not fruit, but we have a macadamia nut tree. It's amazing how low maintenance they are - I don't even water it, but it produces nuts every year! Getting into them is a bit of a challenge, but we've perfected the art of smashing them with a hammer.
We have been trying to grow oranges and lemons for 10 years, we just cant get the fruit to set and mature. Tried all sorts of recommendations from nurseries etc but no success. What a waste of water and fertiliser .. but we "Live in hope". We have to nectarine trees, we have a really good crop every other year, and in between not much, once again hardly worth the fertiliser & water we put in.
Last year we had a really full vegetable garden, but this requires daily attendance and care to get good quality veg, and one hot day can just ruin a crop. This year we only have what has come up self sewn. Other than strawberries which we have let runners go between the rose bushes, which is working well, but need to keep covered with netting to stop birds.
So it's vigilance every day to maintain a good productive fruit & veg garden!
I used to have a strawberry patch until bats and fruit birds totally demolished it overnight!
We planted quite a lot of fruit trees over winter (the best time to plant any of the deciduous trees). We are espaliering them, as we only have a suburban backyard. At the moment, we seem to be sharing everything with the local birds and possums.
I have a lime tree and am unsure of what to feed it as it has only ever produced one lime,
At our old place we had apples, oranges, lemons, limes, mandarins, blueberries and strawberries, but now we live in a small unit with almost no garden, we don't have that anymore. I really miss my own fresh fruit.
No. The condo complex we currently live in has a community garden. I was hoping to start growing some things in the garden this year but the person who organizes it doesn't have time this year, so the community dropped the idea.
Yes, have Cumquat, Star Fruit, Mango & Mulberry.

Sounds like a Fruit Salad, doesn't it! Lol!
Yes, Lemons, Pineapples, Mulberries oranges, and Feijoas Still waiting for fruit on the Feijoa bush).
There is nothing greater than fresh lemons from your own lemon tree.
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