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Do you grow your own flowers?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
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A common daisy. Photo by André Karwath.

Do you grow flowers in your garden or in pots? If so, what kind do you grow? Are they natives or imported species?

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No I don't have flowers anymore apart from clivia which are beautiful and part of an evergreen plant.
The flower are a lovely orange, and another one is red.
by Finy
I would love to. But I don't have enough place to grow flowers.
I've never really gardened before because I couldn't be bothered while I was renting but I'm trying to get one started. I want to grow some plants that will bring butterflies to our garden. For starters I have a hoya in a pot.
Work out your area, and how many plants you want to place.

Take your info to the local nursery, they will give you so much help.

Even with the soil, mulching and watering.Don't do too much at once, because gardening is done in 'spades'. :)
Have fun, because once you start slow....you will enjoy it I'm sure.
I have a very lovely housesitter who plants annuals in my garden each time she minds my house and dog. I also have a lot of perrenials which flower. These tend to be my husband's responsibility because I've become hooked on various web sites. Not to say we don't do the planning together, and I do loudly express my appreciation and keep up the refreshments.
I have tried to but my plants never had a very long life span:) I must be doing something wrong!
1 Most important thing for 75% of plants = Water, often they just do not get enough down to their roots.
by jonaja
When building my new home, I intentionally built for most of the area and left only small patches for my gardening aspirations. I moved in about a month back and still in to prep works but I will try and divide the space amidst perennials, flowers and herbs.
I and my wife are still planning our garden and yet to arrive at a consensus..
Unlike many I like to see the flowers on plants than in my hands or bouquets!
We have plenty of wild marigolds, cosmos, roses, orchids growing around our garden. They make us smile and the marigolds keep the bugs away from the vegetables.
by Lucy
Flowers are relaxing to my eyes!
My 'Pride of India' ('Crepe Myrtle') has flowered for first time, lavender coloured fluffy little flowers, just lovely!
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ID: 13388
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