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Do you grow aloe vera and do you use it for herbal medicinal purposes?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you grow aloe vera and do you use it for its soothing properties?

#Aloe vera
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Yes, I have aloe vera growing in several places.

I brought a nice plant in a pot from my farm and there was also one in the ground which multiplied, so I planted some in a space out the front and that multiplied.

I now have many and they always sprout these very long stemmed small flowers and then continue multiplying.

I used it recently on a burn but it did not help. I use it occasionally and once read it is good for your skin so put it on my face every day a few times, but nada!
by Finy
I do have a rather lovely Aloe Vera plant growing well among my fabulous herbs,and though I have tried it several times for skin issues,the only thing I ever find it is good for is excess sun exposure,which I allow to occur so very rarely anyway,and insect bites which happen far more often than I could ever wish for!!! I believe it all depends on the actual variety of the plant which is used as to how effective it will be. The one I have, has lovely soft thick fillets when cut,and if chilled in the fridge,does feel very soothing to the skin,even for itches!I think the one I have must be the right one somehow for adding to fruit juice as well,though I have not done this with it. My neighbour often asks for a small piece!
I have aloe vera growing in my garden. I use it on burns and cuts and it seems to help with the healing process.
When my son was little I did grow it, and because he had accidents outside, or cuts etc...we would go to the plant in the garden, and rub a little on.

''All Better'' :)
No, I don't grow it
by AJ
Yes I grow aloe vera, and yes we use it often for medicinal purposes. Mostly to soothe burns and cuts.
I was given a single plant a few years ago by a friend, and when I went to repot it, lots of the 'babies' fell out everywhere. Now I gently pull them out and repot when possible.
Yes. I have had a couple of plants for years now. Have used it to treat itches and burns, etc.
We have an aloe vera plant, but it is not faring so well. We use it for soothing purposes - yes.
by Vee
Yes I do
Yes I do
No, & therefore, no.
I have a;ways had Aloe Vera for the past 20 years plus. It is great on sunburn and also burns from heat or fire.

I have one growing. I tried drinking it once. It was the bitterest thing I've ever tasted.
by Gia
We used to have loads of it growing on our veranda but left it there when we moved. I never used it for anything.
We have lots of it growing in our garden,that I took from the family home, before it was sold & pulled down by the new owners, but I only use it very now & then, on a burn or scratch.
I was given a small pot for christmas and have since repotted it where it has grown three times its size. I am new with this plant and not used any of the "juice", seems a shame to break a leaf to use!
I used to have an aloe vera plant and would use the leaves for burns and cuts.
I have several plants and use it mainly for burns but to help with healing. I've had these plants for years.
I have a large clump growing. Every now and then I reduce the size of the patch and I can see I need to do it soon.
I use it for burns mainly and find it extremely good. I have used it on my dog when he had an allergic reaction to the bandage the vet put on following surgery. I had never seen my dog so distressed and thought he could even bite me- which he would never ordinarily do. The dog was urgently trying to remove his bandage . I worked on it for a while with scissors and eventually got it off. His skin was very sore, hot and red. I cut some Aloe Vera and put it on him. His relief was immediate.
I used some on my face a few nights ago as my skin was very dry and lips chapped from the winter air. It felt like I had a cosmerptic mask on and in the morning my skin was back to normal.
I have offered some cut Aloe Vera to my chooks but they aren't interested in eating it. I am going to try some of the gel in my hair in the near future.
I do have aloe vera growing in the garden. I like it as a plant and I'm happy to know it's there if anyone should get badly sunburnt. Thankfully that hasn't happened in many years.
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