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Do you go to the theatre, concerts, or opera?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever go to see live plays, concerts of any kind, or opera?

Which do you prefer, and do you go regularly?

#Pop Concerts
#Live shows
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I love open air theatre so make it a point to seek out productions that make use of outdoor spaces. I took my daughter to an outdoor production of Shakespeare recently and we both enjoyed picnicking on the grass and relaxing while watching a great production. More can go wrong in outdoor theatre as temporary sound systems can go awry and you are subjected to the elements, but that makes for all the more excitement to me.
Unfortunately I'm like my dad and will fall asleep while watching any of the above. It would be nice to appreciate them but sadly it hasn't worked for me.

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra's Secret Symphonies are great though.
I used to always enjoy going to the theatre before I got to the point where sitting for any length of time cause great discomfort. I loved all sorts of live performance from Gilbert and Sullivan which I first enjoyed as a youngster,to Monologues both serious and comedic!! I loved the original Rocky Horror Show back in the late 70's and enjoyed it again when it was revived a few years back. The atmosphere in a live theatre is so electric. I am not one for really loud rock concerts and never have been.I prefer smaller audience sizes! i have though enjoyed orchestral performances on many occasions. I also attended a fantastic Jazz concert in the Gardens up here in Townsville which was simply superb!
I used to go to all three.
When I was a child or a teenager, I was forced to attend the opera with my parents.
I hated it, and will still not go as a result.
The other two, concerts -I used to go regularly but the last one I went to (Leonard Cohen) cost over $300 per seat and I badly wanted to see Mick Jagger however that was going to be even more unless you sit up the back, and I would rather stay home than do that.

Live plays I also used to go to regularly and still love these also, but don't go to many perhaps due to not having a partner.
by Finy
If you want to see something, why not go by yourself, Finy?
by donjo
All of the above,but Opera is very $$ so haven't been for awhile. We see bands the most...and yep, pretty regularly.
Yes I have attended AR Rehman concert during my London trip.
I use too when I worked in the field.
Went to a lot of them.

Have not been in a very very long time, and miss it an awful lot.
I enjoy going to the theatre and concerts

Yes I do go on occasions.....as I do half a day voluntary work a week in at His Majesty's Theatre, I have the opportunity to attend some of the final Dress Rehearsals of the Opera and Ballet etc as a perk, Apart from this I do go to a few other concerts but not on a regular basis. It really has to be something or someone I am very keen to see
by Fran
I prefer attending plays and concerts, particularly rock concerts.
by Vee
I like to go to concerts. I prefer outdoor events - I go as regularly as I can!
by AJ
I love live theatre, ballet and the opera, but unfortunately don't have the time or spare cash to go too often.
I'm going to a show in the Sydney opera house in July an I. So excited will be my first time
It is fun to go to free outdoor concerts - we like going to Opera or Symphony Under The Stars.
by Lucy
This is now my main hobby!
Love Orchestral music a la QSO, ACO, QPO, ABO.
Enjoy Drama, Ballet & Musical Theatre.
So relaxing & uplifting. One gets to meet some fabulous on-stage persons!
Life for me would be missing much if I couldn't get to my theatre outings!
P.S. Update: saw 'Strictly Ballroom' on stage last night!
Absolutely fantastic in every way. My only quibble was the 'Paso Doble' music at end is NOT what was in film, which I loved!
by donjo
My mother & I went to the Belvoir, in Surry Hills Sydney, (NSW) for about 15 years. We'd take out a subscription each year for 7 to 9 plays. We'd go to the Saturday afternoon session. This year she hasn't been asking to go, as she has dementia now. (She's 94 & 1/2 years old now) I started going to the Opera with a school friend, about 5 years ago. I really enjoy it We go when she can get cheap tickets! I've only been about 6 times. Concerts, I find far too noisy, in my old age!
by Miro
My school friend & I are going to see My Fair Lady in Sept, at the Capital theatre.
The reason I don't go to many show now, is because we're always trying to get down to Melbourne to visit our youngest daughter, & grand-daughters, by the other daughter, & 1 had to book months in advance for the shows. We also have appointments with my husbands heart Dr, my cataract Dr & all those checkups. During the year we also have to be here for Vivid, SxS, my mother's birthday, & art openings. So no, I'm trying not to book in for shows anymore!
by Miro
I have recently been too see, 'Shirley Valentine' as my friend had won a couple of tickets. Great show.
by Miro
as much live music as possible. preferably original tunes
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