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Do you go to a personal trainer?

by lizzi (follow)
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Personal training
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Seeing a personal trainer can be very expensive - around $50 a session - but the benefits of a program tailored to your personal needs and goals can be invaluable. Have you ever employed a personal trainer to help you achieve your fitness goals?

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I've never employed a trainer no, I never had need of it until I had multiple kids. Now it would be too hard to coordinate the time. We just got a treadmill because I can use that when ever I have time, I don't need an appointment.
I've never used the services of a personal trainer. I type of activities involve playing sports. In any case though I much rather to exercise at my own speed than to use a personal trainer.
My fitness goals are modest, so I've no need for a trainer.
by Vee
I tried the gym once and I used a personal trainer. I think personal trainers give you that push or drive that you as an individual would not normally posess.
by sher
No, I'm not willing to spend that kind of money.

Would I.


I can motivate myself, for $50 an hour I would save!
I've used trainers at various times. I had a specific weightloss goal once and I got a "package deal" at the gym I joined that included a few personal training sessions. Whenever I join a gym I get a session first up so they can show me how to use the equipment properly and help me put together a program. When I was pregnant I was doing body balance and also saw a personal trainer - my final training session was when I was 41 and a half weeks pregnant! It was great as she could make sure I was doing the exercises correctly. I now go to a trainer on a weekly basis with a friend. It's great for building my strength and a fantastic social opportunity - a lot healthier than going out for cake! And because we both go the cost is shared.
No. Have done enough sport regimen in my life to know, & do what's required for ME!

No, I have no need for that.
by Finy
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