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Do you go on a Sunday afternoon drive / outing?

by lizzi (follow)
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Bushwalking can be a lovely way to get out for a family outing.

Back in the day when people didn't work or shop on Sundays people went on family drives, picnics and other outings. Do you enjoy going on a Sunday outing with your family?

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Sunday is busy for us...Church and Family visits.

Years ago, we use to bundle into the car and go for the Sunday drive's...
After Church we have got the whole family together and done it a few times this year.
It's a bit of a production,but well worth it.
We try to after mass and lunch, even if it's just to the park.
by Vee
Not usually, though now that you mention it I want to.
Now that my partner is working during the week and I take Saturday's to do my own work / study / writing we have made Sunday's "family adventure day" - we go out and do touristy things and try to get out of the house and into the fresh air. Coming into the wet season we may have trouble doing the whole "fresh air" thing, but we will probably still try and get out.
No, Sunday is my home day with the kids. We often go for a walk in the evening after dinner though.
No I do not go and would not with my children and in laws as it would be too noisy with the children -I would rather stay home in peace.

When I had young children however, we always went out on Sunday afternoons for a drive, or a picnic or somewhere.
by Finy
Not at this point, but I plan on doing this in the future.
My husband & I usually go to our local art gallery to view the afternoon movie. We have a yearly $35 pass each.
by Miro
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'Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry
ID: 28864
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