Do you go in the sun early in the morning to stimulate production of Vitamin D?
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Having discovered I was very low in vitamin D and have osteopenia, I walk every morning in summer at around 7.15 am thereby getting the sun before the rays are so harmful and thereby getting some vitamin D.
In winter I have to take supplements.
While living on a farm, I used to actually sit outside after breakfast for 10 minutes as that is what my doctor told me was needed for Vitamin D. I preferred this to taking supplements.
Yes I do now.
My doctor told me I was low on the stuff :(
So I hang out washing(which we always have a great deal of).
I may be out in (total) 10-15mins(No sunscreen) I can get that all important dose, of Vit D.
Not something that should be done any it is dangerous for you, with the UV Rays.
I am out most days and get plenty of sunlight, also I still water by hand in my own little plot
No, I just got tested and was told I was really high on Vitamin D . The doctor suspected if I was taking tablets, LOL. She told me I must have got it from some countries I lived in couple of months ago...and my levels will go down if I am here for continuous 2 years. I hope not !
Nope. In the mornings we are too busy making sure everybody gets dressed, eats breakfast etc.
If only..... we have no morning sun here! I have a special lightbox to emulate early morning daylight which helps prevent SAD but doesn't help with Vitamin D. Nearly everyone in Northern Europe is Vit D deficient (it's impossible to make enough in the summer months to last through the winter) so my family all take hefty supplements of it. Not as good as the real thing but better than nothing....
Not at the moment as I have to be at work before 8am but I finish the job at the end of the month and then I will go back to walking most mornings.
I try to get out in the sun as much as possible, so sometimes I am able to get out in the morning sun.
I always get some sun, just because it makes me happier. Couldn't be inside all day.
no I do not walk in the morning have to have my breakfast, which to me is very important to start the day.
Get enough sun from daily activities. Don't need supplements.
I go walking in the morning, with a friend at 8am, weather the sun is shining for not, but not if it's raining. I've always had my breakfast after my walk & my shower, but I noticed on a tv show, that 1 can lose weight faster, by having breakfast 1st! But I find 7.30 is just to early for me to eat. I usually eat it at around 10am.
Well I hadn't thought of that way actually! I've just gone for a 3k walk around where I live, most week days, for the last 37 years for exercise.
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