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Do you go camping in the rain?

by Sandy Ludinski (follow)
As a freelance writer I enjoy writing about a variety of subjects. You can read more of my articles on my blog: babybloomin.wordpress.com or at http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/124491/
Rain (12)      Camping (9)      Wet weather (1)     

Camping at Pottsville in the rain
Camping at Pottsville in the rain

Months ago we planned to go camping with friends this weekend. We're at Pottsville and it has rained on and off for the last two days. We're really hoping the sun comes out for our last day tomorrow! Do you still go camping if it's raining?

#Wet weather
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Top Answers
ha! No way! I don't go camping!
Not if I can avoid it.
Not a big fan of camping if the only running water available is what is falling out of the sky.
I go camping - and sometimes it rains. Does that count?
Sure does, Matt!
I've never been camping - it's one I have yet to cross off from my bucket list!
I wouldn't mind the idea of going camping in the rain though - adds to the adventure haha
by Xarah
It sure makes you appreciate the fine days!
Not at all. I like being warm. Much prefer camping in the spring time when it's wind not rain that's likely.
I love camping but would never do it in the rain. We only have a small tent so it would be horrible to be stuck in there due to the weather.
Have been caught with rainy weather whilst camping in a tent and it was pretty ordinary - especially with little kids!
Oh no, that would be so difficult!
I don't anymore as I don't go camping however when I had young children we went camping and caravaning and if it rained it was terrible as there was nothing for the children to do and they were in a very small space!
by Finy
Wouldn't GO camping if it was raining.

If we were 'there' already, & it rained, would stay, without any great dramas'. But if rain continued over 24 hours', would pack-up & go home.

There was only SO much to my level of patience, especially when kids' were little!
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ID: 18447
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