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Do you give your pets Christmas presents?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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pets, guniea pig

Pets are as much a member of the family as anyone else, but they have no concept of Christmas. Do you still buy them presents? What about birthday gifts? What do you get them?

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I don't buy my kitties presents for special occasions because, as you said, they have no understanding of what it means. I do, however, bring them back presents when I leave them home alone for a day sometimes. Two of them love to play fetch so I usually buy them some balls to play with. The other one loves little toys she can pretend to kill and bring to me. She loves pink ones especially (haven't figured out why, but she does), so I usually get her a little pink toy or two.
I am very sure even though we may not think it....these wonderful creatures 'know', when we tell them.It may only be a very small idea to them, but if plants know you care about them.....how much more do animals.

I fully embrace the idea .Only treats or a ball or toy, but they know.
After all, they do see and hear everyone else having a good time....
Yes we do and this year our birds are getting a new cage!
Yes! But only 1 or 2 little things, like treats or toys, so that they can have fun, too.
No. Just a lot of love as always. They get pampered so much as it is :)
My dog has his own little stocking that I usually stick a gift in (either food treats or a few tennis balls). I know he doesn't know what Christmas is, but I like to give him a treat anyway so he's included. I'm sure it's more for my sake than the dog's though.
I used to when the children were young, but it has gone by the board. Maybe I will bring it back this year for the grandchildren's entertainment. Hang in there, Sheba.
I don't buy presents for my pets because one day is much the same as the other, and the only gifts my guinea pigs will appreciate is food, which I give them treats to anyway. Maybe if I had a dog who I could buy toys for, I might.
We give them treats and food like Christmas leftovers.

I would, but I think every day is Christmas to them. I buy things for them during the year so they won't have to wait so long for Christmas...

I have given my mum & sisters dogs presents, but that's only cos I saw these cute santa stockings with chew toys. So not a regular thing...growing up our dog got a special bone or pigs ear on xmas day...
We gave our pet bunny a beautiful sparkly red collar one year. It even had a very festive bell on it. But it didn't last long, somehow he managed to remove it and we never saw it again. Now he gets lots of fresh fruit (leftover from Xmas breakfast) as a treat instead
no because they are not humans
Yes. They all react differently and the best one was a Rotti we had many years ago. He LOVED Christmas day and would walk around with his present in his mouth and nearly wag his bottom off and screw up his eyes. It was hysterical. He would have to be prompted to unwrap it and if it was edible, like a tray of dog biscuits, he would not open it! Such manners.
by Rice
why would I do that -they are pets and do not understand.
by Finy
We didn't when we had a couple of cats years ago, but now that 1 of our daughters partner's bought a her puppy August, they as well as us, bought him a treat for Christmas. Her partner even had a big Christmas stocking with his name written in Texta on the fluffy part on there top of the stocking. He was the only 1 who got a stocking, by the way. The aldut presents were around the tree. As we were visiting them for Christmas, we bought him a very thick knotted rope with 2 tennis balls in 2 of the knots. He chewed through the tennis balls in less than 4 minutes!
by Miro
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