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Do you give money to people on the street?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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begging, lifestyle, money, homeless

Do you usually give a few coins to those begging on the streets or do you walk by?

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Sometimes, sometimes not. It depends on the people. Although I don't really support the idea of perfectly healthy people begging for money instead of working for a living.
Yes I give money to people on the street and buskers. I also buy the Big Issue.
I think it's a total crock to say I do not give money to beggars cos they might spend it on drugs or grogg. Do you think the same thing when you leave a tip for the waitress? Just give or don't give.
we don't tip in Australia.
by pfuit
You might not tip in Australia but I do
I make it a point to give money to buskers (about $2-4), while with those who beg, it depends on how they approach (if they do) and whether they're polite about it.
I give to worthwhile charities, yes, however not to a normal joe blow on the streets when begging. Why? You don't know where your hard earned cash is going. They could use it to buy drugs, you never know. Having been a junkie in the past, I don't like that. Buskers, for sure, if they entertain me they deserve it :)
Very honest and personal answer.......total Respect :)
by jonaja
Yes I do, always. I figure that if they are so desperate for money that they are willing to put aside their ego and sit on the streets then no matter how broke I am, I must be in a better position than they are, because I could never picture myself doing that. They mustn't be lucky enough to have someone close to them to ask for help. They are depending on the kindness of strangers, and I'd like to prove to them that people care.
No, I don't because I think begging is not the right way to get few coins. It is good to work
No, I don't because I think begging is not the right way to get few coins. It is good to work
Wow......hope your never in that position, and it can happen.
by jonaja
not for beer that's for sure! Have given money before but always wonder do they really need it or are they just saving for something. You can't tell if they are lying or not. Don't mind giving it for buskers though, at least they have earned it.
Sometimes when I'm planning a trip to the city I'll cook muffins or some other kind of finger-food, and pass that out to people who are begging on the street.
No, but sometimes I like to cook up a batch of muffins at home and then take them into the city to give to them.
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