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Do you get your child's photo taken with Santa?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
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Santa with a boy. Photo by vastateparksstaff, shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Some parents like to have their child's photo taken with Santa at the shops every year. Is that something you do with your child? If so, why? If not, why not?

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I did it when my son was younger ... every year from when he was born up until he was 9, but when he turned 10 he refused to do it, so I've stopped it, but I enjoy looking at the old Santa photos.
Only if they want it. Great when they're primary school age.
My eldest refused to do it this year unless I agreed to be in the picture with her, so I did.
Santa was banned for my last child.
I dislike the fat guy....you could say 'I' had an eye opener.
My 16 year old brother after years of having to be forced into a photo to the point where we had to stop going, all of a sudden wanted to get one the other day! Have to capitalise on their enthusiasm it seems...
My kids are 21 and 22 now and we still have Christmas photos. They point blank refused photos with Santa at about 17/18 but have been willing to indulge me by having photos by the tree or in a Christmas setting. I love the fact that we have a record of them every year since birth.

Not the paid ones, but there was a Santa walking around in the DFO on Christmas Eve and I took my daughter's photo with him, but my son refused, so I didn't get his.
Not the paid ones, but there was a Santa walking around in the DFO on Christmas Eve and I took my daughter's photo with him, but my son refused, so I didn't get his.
I don't think I have any taken with a professional Santa, but have many taken with any neighbour who volunteers as Santa at our Annual Cul-de-sac Christmas party which has been going since 1981. My favourite shot is of a 6- month-old looking up at Santa with a face that says, "You don't scare me. I'm used to beards". Both Dad and Grandad sport them.
Like clowns, I always thought 'Santa's' a tad creepy. My kids' never wanted to be photographed with 'him', so that was that.

With all the brouhaha last XMAS, I just think they're an item that's REALLY expensive, is put on mantelpiece for XMAS, put away, & possibly not to see light of day again!
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