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Do you get writer's block?

by meggf (follow)
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Do you ever get half way through writing something and hit a brick wall? What do you do when that happens?

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I get. Writer's' Block!

I get 'Names' Block!

I get 'Memory' Block!

I get 'Inspiration' Block!

I get 'Drain's' Block!

I then become part of the problem, like the kid with this wall.

Then I find a solution quickly.

With writing you have to let your mind Look at one thing in a room...and think about it alone.
Then your mind will be exercising, and free up space in your brain again.

I usually stare at the screen for ages before putting in a lot of rubbish that I plan to go back and change later. That way I can continue on to the next bit.
Sure do. I tend to have a break and come back to it later or search for inspiration.
by Vee
I definitely get it! I like to look at my list of articles I mean to write, or work on something else that's unfinished, or have a cuppa and hope the mojo comes back.
I have writer's block sometimes.
Only when writing these questions!
Sometimes I can sit for 10 minutes thinking, thinking, thinking and then a brilliant idea for a questions comes to me.

I check it out and bingo, it has already been done!

Back to square one and writers block if you can call writing questions "writing"
by Finy
Of course that's writing! Even though it's a short style it is still writing.
by lizzi
OMG I am always getting writer's block! I find that if I am sleep deprived or stressed (from running after 2 small children maybe?!) I find it really hard to focus on what I want to write. I have found a couple of strategies for overcoming this:
Take a break. Switch the computer off and have a cuppa or a play with the kids or read a book or just do something different.
Open ALL my current articles that I'm working on and just read through until something triggers inside me.
Whinge about writer's block. Every single time I complain about having writer's block the block is lifted within minutes! True!
I presently have approximately 10 articles sitting in my "pending" folder that are all in varying stages of completion - a few are nothing more than a title. But I know that they will get written in their own time.

No I never seem too, so I must be writing a whole lot of dribble, in reply to these questions, that I have replied to 11463 times, (& Karma 4357 times) No wonder my husband says I'm wasting my time!!!
by Miro
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