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Do you get unexplained brusies?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
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Bruise by Lydia C. lee

Do you get bruises and have no recollection of how you got them? I usually get them on my legs and only notice when someone points it out to me. Last week I got a very dark and painful one on my arm, and I have no idea how I could not have hurt myself at the time.
Do you get unexplained bruises, and do you know what causes them?

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At one stage I had unexplained bruises on my shins, but then I realised I was bumping into the bed frame. Mystery solved.
by Vee
Yes, I do.

However half the time I bump into things and totally forget. Not quite sure why this is as it usually hurts.

I generally have one or two bruises on me at any one time.
by Finy
Yes I do sometimes.
I have put it down to...Just not feeling it if I dump into something....I'm so busy.
That is really an impressive boo-boo, would have thought you would have remembered getting that one!
I Know lol...lol
by jonaja
So I am guessing the eyes will be attended to once the boo-boo has settled?
Shelley...lol...lol you funny girl :)
of course not?...I love my crossed eyes!!!
by jonaja
No. I think it would be worth getting some medical advice. Could it be medication you're on? Bruising for no reason can be a symptom of something quite serious - not that I'm trying to worry you.
I think it's happened all my life - I think it's more of the comment above - I just don't notice when I bash into stuff...
Sometimes yes but if I try and think then usually I can recollect
When I was pregnant I used to bruise easily from things that shouldn't have caused bruising. I was very sick in my pregnancy and ended up with anemia and was told that this was causing me to bruise easily.
I think that the human body is an amazing thing and has it's way of telling us when something is not right. If you're bruising when you normally wouldn't, it's likely time to get checked out. If it's something like low iron, then it's worth getting this looked into so you can quickly remedy it.
No, but I've heard they can be a sign of Vitamin C deficiency, so look into your dietary Vitamin C intake to see if it's enough.
Might give that a whirl - and try to remember if I've walked into stuff (like the bedframe etc)
When I was younger that would be the case and I had a check up and found out I was low in iron. Once I started iron supplements the mystery bruises magically disappeared. Good idea to check it out. Might be nothing but you never know.
All the time - I really should see my doctor about it :p
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