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Do you get food cravings and if so, are they often the same food?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you get food cravings?

Are they often for the same type of food?

#Food cravings
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I often get cravings, usually for chocolate, dried fruit, or something on toast.
I DO get cravings and it is sometimes for sweet things and often for salty.

So I get lots of cravings though I think it is more a boredom thing as it happens mainly at night when I watch boring television, and I start eating even though I have just had my dinner.
by Finy
You stole my answer... I was about to say the very same thing. Why is it that we alternate between sweet and salty cravings? I want one, and then an hour later I want the other. :(
I now only get them say once every now and then.
Mainly for the little custards in the supermarket.
I buy 2, and then I'm good to go.

As for meal type of foods, I find eating a LOT of work!

My biggest downfall is things that are sweet.
I do, and it can be either salty or sweet, does not matter. Now I have a craving for the food in your picture..haven't had burgers and fries for a while now..LOL !
by BK
I get cravings when TOM rolls around, and I always crave something salty and greasy.
by Vee
Laksa. I can't live without it. Seafood laksa is my FAVOURITE FOOD!!! I've never successfully cooked it so we go out for laksa at least once or twice a month.
Oh Yes!!! Differnt things at different times..A few cweeks back when they were cheap,it was Strawberries dipped in Nutella or similar!!! Then other times it will be for Original salty Dill Pickles.In summer I always have fruity Icy poles or sorbet in the freezer.And no matter what time of year ,there us ALWAYS chocolate in my house!! Just in Case,of course!!!!!!
I can just about say that I don't get food cravings. If I do they are few and far in between. I just get hungry or thirsty from time to time.
I don't really get cravings but when I do it's usually able texture rather than taste - so I could be in the mood for something crunchy for example
by AJ
Hmmm......when the weather is hot & humid, I sweat, not 'perspire'! So often 'crave' salty foods. Have lately 're-discovered' original Pretzels, which I've not eaten for a few years'. Will also buy some good quality Feta Cheese.
Conversely, also happy to have some Dark Chocolate!

Pregnancy cravings were a totally different 'set of food'. Apple Pies, Ginger Ale, Stone Fruit, Roast Chicken & Custard Apples! Not all at the same time, though!
P.S. Forgot to say, Hot Chips with Salt on a rainy, cold day!
by donjo
Food cravings all the time and most of the times its for a yummy gooey choclatey rich cake with ice cream.
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