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Do you get enough sleep each night?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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sleep, sleeping, rest

How many hours of sleep do you get every night? Do you feel rested when you wake up? Is your sleep calm or do you feel like you've spent the night at a busy train station?

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I never have any trouble sleeping, so I aways feel well rested. On a usual night, I will get 6 ½ hours sleep, but if I am going out for the day, I will get up early, and get bout 4 hours sleep. I often have kips in the afternoon though.
I guess I have been to the train station for a long long time.
I am always tired.
I get about 5-6 hours a night.
Just sufficient, although I'd like a little more. Switching that mind off can be challenging, as well as the heat at the moment.
I am a bad sleeper and usually wake up around 3am. I don't like wasting time in bed, so I usually get up and work, which means by the time 9pm comes I am tired and go to bed early.
Currently not getting enough sleep as my baby seems to be having a growth spurt so he's enjoying night time feeds. I'm constantly amazed at how you just adapt with lack of sleep. In my lazy uni days I remember languishing in bed for whole mornings at times but now there's so much to do and be done that whether I get 4 or 8 hours sleep (I wish), the show must go on so you just get through the day. Sometimes its now the case that the more sleep I get the more groggy I feel. Oh well.
No, but because I go to bed later than I should and get up early to write...
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