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Do you get a lot of JUNK emails?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you get a lot of junk emails each day?

Would you like them to STOP?

#Junk email
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I don't get anywhere near as many as I used to - perhaps one a day.
It doesnt really annoy me as long as there are not more - and I used to get about 15 a day and that really DID annoy me.
With the technology around nowadays I think the ISP's are far more able to stop this coming into our IN boxes.
by Finy
Yes!!! I go through and cull them every few months
Sure do.

But i enter a lot of competitions, so that is to be expected.
I do.

I would.
it is not a marriage proposal, jonaj!
by Finy
Oh Finy....I'm sorry :) you made me laugh....I think I have been to the Alter one tooo many times...lol
by jonaja
I have thousands of junk emails. I do not have the time to clear and I do not really think its necessary. I may unsubscribe some of the time.
Yes. I unsubscribe to most of the ones that i can but then you get a whole batch of different ones the next day. I dont think that they are at all necessary, and with advancements in security and technology, you would think this kind of thing could be improved. It is very annoying and takes up valuable space. It also takes unnecesary time to sort out and delete, time i just dont have.
I don't seem to get a huge amount of junk, and when I do, I just unsubscribe and then I get no more from that culprit!! They are not all that annoying as I refuse to be bothered by such nonsense! I have far more important things to concern myself with!! I am definitely NOT ruled by my computer!!
Oh yes ! Loads of junk mail.
Yes, I do, and I didn't ask for them obviously! and some of them are difficult to get rid of, and I find that frustrating!
Yes and yes
by AJ
I get about 1 or 2 only a week.
by Miro
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