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Do you gamble?

by Vee (follow)
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poker machine
'Slot Machine' by Jeff Kubina from the milky way galaxy, via Wikimedia Commons

I used to gamble a little after work a couple of years ago. Sounds silly right? A group of us would hit the pokies, after we had been paid, to wind down.

I eventually decided it wasn't for me, but still know some people who do it for fun.

Do you ever gamble?

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No I don't gamble.

One of my son's does, and I hate him doing it.He has had some huge wins.
I still hate it.
When he does he will spend a thousand a night! and that is not cool.
I know he can afford to do it, but I have told him it's not right.
Sadly since writing this, my Son has now made Gambling his big love, and now has lost up to $5,000 a night! It is a 'fools' game, and yes he can afford it even now at that amount, but he has taken only 1 night a big win, and has not made back all the money he has lost! He will continue now to ask me to babysit, and I will always now say NO!
by jonaja
Never... if I spend money I want to see something tangle in return.
I have dabbled on the odd pokie in my younger years....but older and wiser I am I know that I would be feeding them my income. THANK GOODNESS I'm older and wiser!!!
How did nobody pick on the above spelling mistake?! Bambling. Oh dear.
by Vee
Arrrr, nothin' like a good bit o' Bamblin'. Hahahahahahahahaha.
by Rice
LOL! I still can't believe it!
by Vee
I only gamble by - very occasionally - buying a ticket for lotto. I don't do sports betting or polices or cards. My opinion is that these kinds of activities can be the start of a very slippery slope. Plenty of people get in trouble and why would I be any different?
Don't do pokies - but will do lotto and scratchies from time to time - and I'm in a footy tipping comp (but that's for the tipping, I know I won't ever win and am okay with that). I love black jack and craps, but I stay out of Casinos...I don't have a lot of will power...
Sometimes I buy raffle tickets. That's about it. Poker machines don't appeal to me in the slightest. They seem to be a good way to turn a night out boring very quickly.
No. A member of my family once had a gambling problem and it caused too many issues in the family for me to ever start. I don't buy lottery tickets, I've been to a casino twice in my life, once to go to their restaurant and another time to see a band play.
No. I don't even like to participate in raffles.
I have tried it once or twice, couldn't quite get the hang of it and nearly nodded off from boredom. Will buy the odd scratchie ticket maybe 3 or 4 times a year but that is about the sum total of my gambling.
No, I never gamble. I learned at an early age while playing monopoly that the dice wasn't my friend. So I never took a chance at gambling in real life. Plus it goes against the principles that I was grown up with.
Fair enough.
by Vee
Not really no, but I don't have anything against it.
Not really no, but I don't have anything against it.
I buy Lotto when prize is $10mill & above..
Buy RSL Ticket infrequently!
That's it; last of the 'big spender's'! Lol!
Vee, I used to do the same thing, I loved a little "play" after work and I had a couple of major wins too. Then, one time, I saw an old man spit on the machine and I was so disgusted that I reported it. Well, his wife and daughter started a real ruckus and all three were yelling and screaming and blaming the poker machine for "losing his money". They got banned. Now all I can think of is what could be on the machines and it has ruined my fun. Even using hand sanitiser doesn't help, I'm sure I can feel the germs :((
by Rice
Oh my gosh, Rice Paper. I'm sorry, but I thought that was too funny. Silly people.
by Vee
I buy the occassional ticket in a house, or raffles for fundraisers. I buy a lotto ticket rarely. Fortunately the gambling bug never bit me.I don't even know how to use a pokie machine.
annfi, I'm afraid it's all too easy to learn how to use one. :-|
by Vee
I buy the odd lottery ticket but are totally adverse to full blown gambling. I used to know some one who was an addict at gambling and that turned me off for life seeing the damage arguments and lack of control
Before the pokies started at $1 a time, i would sometimes put 10 cents on 10 different machines,
IF I liked the picture on them! I hardly ever won back my $1! On Melbourne Cup day, every year, I'll outlay $6-8 on the horses names that I like best, in the main race. (50 cents each way) BUT even if my horses have come 1st, 2nd or 3rd, I still very rarely get my money back!
by Miro
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