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Do you follow a healthy diet?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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healthy eating, food, cooking, lifestyle

With our busy lifestyle, do you take the time to prepare healthy meals or do you tend to grab take away on your way from work?

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I used to eat healthily, but my habits have become more erratic. I have trouble sticking to a proper meal and often binge on chocolate. I then end up hating myself afterwards.
At the moment definitely not. Chocolate, lollies and sweets. Do drink plenty of water though. Body will need a juice detox re-boot immediately after Christmas.
We hate take away.
So I have to get straight into the kitchen, and make a nice dish...we have taken to rice or pasta salads.
Very easy to make, and nice and healthy!
I go through periods of very healthy eating, then through times of microwave meals and take-aways. Much of it depends on what is happening in my life at the time. If life is hectic I tend to reach for the easy solution and pick up a take-away, although over the past few years I have favoured healthier options such as sushi over pizza or McDonalds.
I try to. This means I try to limit my sugar intake and eat small portions regularly. With a baby in tow and a husband who does shift work, this can be a challenge. If I'm alone and in front of the television of a night time, I have the overwhelming urge to snack. And I'm not talking two or three biscuits. I'm talking a whole box. It's good while it lasts, but then I just feel sick.
by Vee
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