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Do you find your memory is not as good as it was, say, 10 years ago?

by Finy (follow)
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Memory (19)      Bad memory (2)      Memory loss (1)     

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Is your memory not as good as it was 10 years ago, or is it the same?

#Memory loss
#Bad memory
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Definitely not as good as it was 10 years ago though probably more like 15 when my memory became worse.

I think a lot of it in this day and age is stress, and trying to do too much at once.

Even though I live alone with dogs, I still keep having to rush -to my voluntary job, to walk the dogs etc etc and I firmly believe all this affects memory.
by Finy
My memory is still in good order!
by AJ
I can't remember :P
Oh my gosh YES, my memory now I am late 60s is not nearly as good as it was, I write lists all the time (sometimes it is good not to remember things!)
by fran
I love that game the kids are playing!
I play it a lot with my grandchildren, and they are very good.

Life is like that we age, our memories do fail us.

It is a huge blessing, I feel that we older ones have a computer.
Better to spend time on one every day, to keep the mind active.

Years ago, (20yrs) it was not heard of, that 50-60-70-80- yrs olds on a computer.

Yes my mind fails me, but we just have to keep it working.!

I would like to see more older folk, learning computer....I believe it is a way to stop the mind getting slower.
Thankfully as far as I am aware my memory is still OK and not losing ground.
I have always had a very good memory,and am very pleased to say that as far as I know it is still as good as ever!
I have always had a very good memory,and am very pleased to say that as far as I know it is still as good as ever!
On the whole my memory is fine. I play lots of mind games to keep my brain active. I just occasionally have selected memory loss :-)
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