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Do you find personal growth books inspiring?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
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Image courtesy of Joe Crawford Wikimedia Commons

Personal growth books can be a great source of wisdom and comfort when we're going through a difficult time in our lives, and many such books have become modern classics, selling in their millions.

Do you find personal growth books inspiring? Which ones are your favourites, and how have they helped you?

#Personal growth
#New Age
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I'm not sure that "inspiring" is the word I would use for my experience with them but I have certainly had a couple of "lightbulb" moments. One thing I took away from my reading of The Celestine Prophecy was to be more willing to engage with people if you both seemed to have that unspoken urge to communicate. I have found on many occasions that we have had info that the other person was needing. Quite nice really.
by Rice
Is that the same as a self help book? If so, no, I mostly find them irritating.
I went through what could only be considered a 'disastrous' time in my life in 1987.
I looked into those books, and yes they gave some help....but it really felt quite empty (for me).

I can only talk about my personal experience here, but life for me seem to have no 'good-outcome'.
I had read about ever self help (new-book) on the market, and nothing worked.

But then I picked up one book, and read it (in it's second part)....I then knew I had found help, big time....It's the biggest seller of all time too.
Curious to know what book you found helpful,
by Pamew
Curious to know what book you found helpful,
by Pamew
B asic
I nformation
B efore
L eaving
E arth
by jonaja
I know that one. I read it every day.
by Gia
The only personal growth book that comes with a guarantee!
by jonaja
No. They are like fad diets; they work for a while but have little lasting impact.
by Gia
I cant really say that I have read a lot of personal growth books, so cant answer the question
I guess it depends on the book and on a specific person's life situation. I bought two years ago by a writer called Susan Jeffers - 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' and 'End the Struggle and Dance With Life'. They were both very interesting, and were full of inspirational words about living a more vibrant, positive and fulfilling life. So many people find themselves in a complete rut in their life, and books such as these can often inspire readers to be more creative, loving and dynamic - both in their own lives, and in their relationships.
have not read this kind of book, really not interested in reading them anyway.
I haven't read any personal growth books. I did do a self-help course, though. I found it helpful...
by Vee
Some are good where they offer something new

Same old same old no longer cuts the mustard
B O R I N G! as Ruth Buzzi would say.

Maybe they help some people, & that's good, but I've no use for them.
I used to but now no longer have any desire to read them.
by Finy
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