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Do you find it hard to say "no" to people?

by Finy (follow)
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Saying no (1)      Assertive (1)      Self assured (1)      Decline (1)     

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Do you have a problem saying "no" if people ask you for things, or to do favours for them that you really do not want to do?

#Saying no
#Self assured
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Top Answers
Gonna buy me a frog . . A frog who says Noooooo. ^_^
by Rice
LOL....LOL.....You have the BEST sense of humour!
Love it :)
by jonaja
Oh! jonaj......that frog is just the most! Love his facial expression!
I've got a 'thing' about frogs ever since I bought a beautifully made one at a Fete. He used to lie atop my work computer, peering over the front edge at me!
All my work colleagues would pat/stroke him! His name was 'Froggy'...................
by donjo
they are special...ribbitt! :)
by jonaja
I do sometimes have a problem saying no, though often I will say no.

It depends on the person and what they are asking me to do -if it involves driving I often say no as for some reason I hate driving.

I hav,e in the past said yes, when I didnt really want to but felt I owed it to the person to do the favour they asked of me.
by Finy
So irritating . . . I had an in law who was so transparent about doing everything for the trade off, you could almost see the cogs ticking. We were brought up to do things without thought of a payback.
by Rice
In the past this has been a problem for me, but over the years I have developed more self confidence to be assertive and now have no trouble saying no if it is something I can not commit too or don't want to do. I found the more times I politely said no, the easier it got.
Sometimes I do, especially with family but generally I am pretty honest and am able to say no to friends and some health professionals ..
by Fran
I generally don't have a problem saying no
by AJ
It really does depend on what's being asked of me and who's asking. Don't like to let people down but sometimes you just have to say a gentle no.
I used to but not anymore. I used to want to please everyone. I guess I've grown to understand that you can't please everyone and you have to be happy with yourself above all else. I still do anything and everything that I can for people when asked, but I no longer feel guilty when I say no.
by Vee
I used to find it hard to say no, but i have learned over the years that it is important to say no, so now it's becoming easier for me.
Not anymore, because I now know that saying NO to others is saying YES to me.
No, don't have problems saying 'no', because it's usually something I won't do anyway.
First name Push. Second name Over. It's why I prefer my own company . . . I am just terrible at saying no. I have close friends who know what I am like and they would never put me in that position, bless them.
by Rice
by Miro
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