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Do you find it easy to learn song lyrics?

by VerityG (follow)
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children singing Christmas show jingle bells song music
Nursery Christmas Show - some knew the words and some didn't! Via VerityG

Do you know the words to a song after only hearing it a few times or do you struggle to remember them even after repeated hearings?
Do you find it easy to learn song lyrics?

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I find it hard to remember the words to songs, mainly because I am not always able to make out what the singer is saying because of their speed, diction, and the volume of the music.
Thank goodness! I thought I was the only one.
by Vee
No, there are loads like us, I think.
I used to find it very easy - one listen and I would know the tune and most if not all of the words. Nowadays, if I concentrate I can still do this but it does require deliberate thought!
It depends how catchy they are.
No, and a large part of that is because I can't make out what is being said, or sung.
by Vee
If I understand what they are saying ( sometimes the words are not clear enough) and if I like the song, I might start listening to it more often..and that is when I would start remembering the lyrics.
by BK
I've never been much at remembering songs, perhaps because I donlt have that much interest in music.
As a child it was my saving grace, esp for school.
Now it's impossible to not remember.
It drives me at times crazy, because it go's over and over and over in my head!

The Lego Movie song, and Frozen, or on the radio new songs...over and over in my head!

Is there no peace?
I quite often sing the wrong words without even realising
Pretty easy. I often know all the words to songs I hate, or have only heard once or twice. It's kind of annoying because I will then hear the words in my head any time I hear a snatch of the song and I can't stop thinking of it until I have run through all of the lyrics, which can be a bit distracting if you're, say, in the middle of a conversation at the time.
Yes, I find it extremely easy - it's my forte. Though not so good when I hate a song! I can not hear a song for years & years but can still sing along if it comes on the radio.
Yes, I used to when I listened to the radio a lot.
by Finy
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