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Do you find it difficult to parallel park?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Parallel parking can be tricky. Do you avoid parking parallel or do you have a technical process of doing it right every time?

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When I was learning to drive, my instructor told me there was a spot on the back windscreen that if you got it lined up right would let you parallel park perfectly every time. He was right! The problem is, I could never find that spot in any other car.....
When I lived in London, the only parking near my house was parallel parking, so I got very good at it. Nowadays with front and rear parking sensors, any sort of parking is a doddle. And my last car had an auto-park setting where it would park itself but that freaked me out, watching the steering wheel turn round all by itself so I never used it!
I don't think I have parallel parked since my driving exam...Unless I can nose in with HEAPS of space I avoid it.
I avoid parallel parking. It was not something I was taught when doing my lessons and I have no idea how to do it!
I do fine.
After 40 years, it's easy. :)
LOL at image.
by Vee
Yes and yes.
by Vee
No,milk was taught a certain way to do it when I was learning to drive and it seems to never fail. Has nothing to do with my driving expertise!
I had 40 hours of driving lessons back when it wasn't required by law. Many many hours were spent perfecting parallel parking, so I do it very well. Thanks Mum and Dad for making me have those lessons!
I was better at it when I was preparing to take my driving test. Now, I'm not so efficient. Besides that, I haven't driven for a while so I'll need some practice anyway.
Avoid it at all cost unless my son who can park without any problem is there to guide me. Is this a gender thing? Is it easier for guys because of their spacial awareness?
You can't parallel park, & you still have a Licence?

It was mandatory, when I did my Test years' ago.
Like another commenter above, driving instructor told me about rear spot, & when needed, it works perfectly!

These days, there's really no requirement to do it, as all bays at S/C's are nose or tail in.

I'm spot on with reverse parking, even though my dear Ol' Datsun Skyline is manual, very long, & no power steering!
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