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Do you fertilize anything in your garden, and with what?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you fertilize anything in your garden?

#Fertilize regularly
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I fertilisze my vegetables and my cacti, and some of my other topiary trees.

I mostly use worm juice, as I have a worm farm, however I also buy organic fertilisers though I tend to not use them while I am using the worm juice.

I buy a local organic type of fish oil which I always used before I had the worm farm.
by Finy
On the rare occasions I need to give my beloved plants a boost I use Seasol or Power Feed made by the same company.

I love that these are Foliate feeders and absorbed through the leaves as well as the roots.
Yes, my fledgling 'Crepe Myrtle' gets all the veggie scraps & tea leaves.

Seems to like them, as flowered beautifully at a few months' planted, lovely mauve blossoms!

Makes me very happy, as brings back fond memories' of the one at family home, & the huge one at my built home!
We make our own compost out of fruit and veggie scraps, leaves, and other yard waste and that is what we use to fertilize everything in our yard - our vegetable garden, flowers, and bushes. It has worked very well.
No I don't....shocking I know, but I just have really no need, all grows well my end.

Might start praying over them....that would cost less.... :)
.......ah, but the price is sore knees, jonaj!
by donjo
LOL....'Praying can be done in 'any' way you like....lol....forget the knee's!
by jonaja
Hey jonaj, do the horse trick how THEY sleep, stand-up with locked knees! Lol!
by donjo
We have a compost bin that gets topped up frequently with rubbish from our kitchen.... and dug out every now and again and spread over all the flowerbeds. We also put specific grass fertilizer on the lawn.
We don't have a garden
by AJ
All purpose granule fertilizer,.....use good mulch and potting mix
by Fran
I use chicken poo around my young trees, and a commercial fertiliser (I forget what brand, you buy it as a powder and dillute it with water) for most of the garden.
I am thinking of going down to Canberra and while Parliament has broken up for holidays, Taking my trailer and shovel - as I hear there is the best manure you can find.

I put shredded sugar cane mulch out for my chooks in their house and pen. They turn it and add manure to it, it breaks down into a beautiful compost with no effort from me. I put that on my garden. I also use seasol, wich is not a fertiliser but Is very good for boosting health of plants. I also regularly use a good organic fertiliser over everything. I don't grow vegetables through the hot part of the year, but I usually put some in
in March. It is April and I am just getting the soil ready. I garden with the thought of feeding the soil, not the plants. My soil has gone from very shallow topsoil above heavy clay to deep friable soil with many years effort. Nearly good enough to eat.
No I don't. Even though we have a large compost bin the compost never ends up on the garden. (Is that the same thing as fertilising?)
by Miro
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