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Do you feel lonely?

by Sasha (follow)
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Photo by Sira Anamwong,www.freedigitalphotos.net

Do you feel lonely? Especially on a weekend or friday night ? What would you do to keep yourself busy?

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I am a loner, so I rarely feel lonely. I like to be on my own a lot. There are times when I am feeling depressed, however, and I just need someone there to cheer me up.
I am a person who loves to be alone.

Funny thing is....I have never been alone,and I am nearly 60!

So for me, I will embrace it...'if' it ever comes.
If your lonely on Friday nights relax from your hard week.Watch a good movie, and read a book.Make a new meal, have a long bath.Write a letter.Phone up
someone who may need to hear your voice.Write a poem.Paint a little picture.
Tidy out that wardrobe! hummm?

Or you could go on You Tube, I do! and learn a craft...hear some music, or
see what is happening around the world.
Once you have found 2-3 things, you really like to do......you will have no time
to be lonely.
At the moment I am learning how to decorate the front cover of a (note-book).
I will put a pic up of one for you to see, it looks easy, but its quite an Art.
The note books are so cheap, like $2.
The Art is called (Steam punk).

You can find videos on Y.T to watch, and they give you ideas.Once you have a few, they can be wonderful gift ideas.Or you could even sell some.
Another place to look at great ideas is 'Pintrist' and 'Etsy'....great sites.

Just find 2-3 things you really like, and it will give you something to look forward too.
It really really works. :)
With three little kids and a hubby, I hardly find time to myself, let alone feeling alone! Sure enough, I do love it when it is a little quiet around.

I feel lonely the times when I miss my mum who has passed away. She was my greatest confident and I could talk for hours to her. Now, that she is no longer here, I miss her talks. Specially today. For my birthday, she was always the first one to wish me:(

But thankfully, I have four sisters with whom I can share my feelings. And the loneliness disappear...

Everyone is alone, however I keep myself busy. I don't think I am lonely. Love my life!
Sometimes. Typically, I like to be alone. My husband is irritating me as we speak, so on the nights he is away for work, I take advantage of the silence and relax. If feeling lonely, I get out of the house and see my family or phone a friend, hehe.
by Vee
I don't get a chance to feel lonely with three little kids! When they go to bed, if hubby is out or has gone to bed too, its blissfully quiet and I get to do things I want to do, like watch a movie for "grown ups" or read a book or talk to a friend .. I might even take a bath and light candles and dig out my favourite bath salts.
Being alone and loneliness are too very different things - I love to be alone, but rarely am, and yet also rarely feel lonely. I always remember that Alice Cooper song, that had the line "I may be lonely, but I'm never alone". (I never cry)
Don't think I have felt lonely...I have so many things to get done when I am alone, I hardly get the chance to feel lonely:)
When I feel lonely I cook ! With whatever ingredients that are in my fridge/freezer and pantry. I'd eat some of it with some wine and then freeze or store the rest. Then I'd clean up (although I normally clean-as-I-go) the stove/oven and kitchen. Have a shower and another glass of wine and I'd feel rested and would slumber til the next day.
Very rarely. I do enjoy some alone time at times though.
I rarely feel lonely. I think you can feel lonely when you have company if no one 'gets' you or relates to you. I love spending time alone and find so much to do. I choose to spend time alone doing some things that other people may like company for. Although I enjoy meeting a friend for coffee I also love to go to a different cafe alone and indulge in people watching, reading a magazine provided by the cafe, jotting notes and ideas down. I like to walk alone (day time) but sometimes it is nice to have company. I like to shop alone. Often I like to watch a movie alone.
It can be hard to define loneliness. Since my husband died I have felt lonely on many occasions, sometimes even when in the company of friends and family. It is a loneliness of the soul rather than the body. I am quite a busy person with a fairly good social life but, at times, you can never dissociate from that feeling, and I suspect I am not alone in that.
Thae only time I felt lonely was as a teenager on a boring Friday night. Friday was the night to party for some unknown reason. I'm a lot older now and im never lonely. I enjoy my own company and like to do my own thing s.
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